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About Acorn

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  1. It could be badly made mods & missions, I'll go with that.... or It could also be that ARMA 3 is badly made or managed. Arma was release in Sept of 2013, It has hundreds of bugs yet they release DLC's for a game that is still broken. Im not here to argue what the cause is, I just want to play my game. Arma 3 in it's broken greatness is still the best mil sim ever created, w/ the mods of course. This particular error is definitely related to one of the mods.
  2. I received a similar error over the past six months and I've never really been able to fix it.... If its not (Unable_to_Init_DXGI), Status_Wait_1, or Status_Application_Hang it's something else with this game. The support I received when I submitted my error report was terrible, they replied immediately after I first submitted but after they asked me to do like two things and they just gave up. I don't know if your error is the same as mine but I get an unrecoverable game freeze at some point while playing on Chernarus winter and regular Chernarus. After this freeze I cannot rejoin the server. The only fix is an admin has to wipe me from the server and basically reset my character.