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Everything posted by MoldyTowel

  1. MoldyTowel

    Static Line Parachute Mod

    Has anyone had issues with the canopy tipping over? Thanks.
  2. MoldyTowel

    Spyder Addons

    No worries friend, love what you're doing!
  3. MoldyTowel

    Spyder Addons

    I just implemented the civ interaction module using ALiVE and, wow that adds so much to the experience. Spyder do you have documentation on how/use the other modules. I'm interested in the one that allows you to blend in with the populous. (Forgot the name, sorry)
  4. MoldyTowel

    Spyder Addons

    This sounds fantastic, keep up the awesome work Spyder! Another broad question I guess, do your addons improve the ALiVE experience?
  5. MoldyTowel

    Spyder Addons

    What are the differences between Spyder Addons insurgency and ALiVE's insurgency module?