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About Rob606

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  1. only using cba, jsrs3 vcomdriving and vcom ai
  2. also annoying is when I command team to stop, some decide to get out of vehicle lol
  3. Thanks I will try that mod, though I have this issue regardless of location, it happens anywhere there is terrain clutter, towns trees etc.
  4. I am loving this except for 1 thing that is very fustrating The AI for my team sucks bad at driving and they always get stuck someplace of ram the rear of my truck im at the point where I spend more time going back for my team to get them back on a road unstuck ect than actual missions >.<
  5. I really like this and previous installment many thanks for a well thought out campaign.
  6. As an "Ex soldier" I can with 100% confidence advise that the weapon sway/stamina currently in the game is far from accurate. My experience so far in the game with weapon sway it would be almost right had I just completed a 100m sprint. I tend to operate zoomed scope yet even a small movement generates abnormal sway. Any professional soldier used to handling weapons is easily able to recover and stabilise far better than whats currently represented within the games mechanics. Oh and thats in full gear vest backpack etc in excess of 80lb