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Everything posted by opftafel

  1. opftafel

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Dont quote out of context sentences.. it does not mean that becaus i personally don't care that it is not of any importance to anybody else. and Try putting this in readable context so people know where u or the entire " team" stand with ur opinions...
  2. opftafel

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    i don't care about the mods, i'm talking about this unofficial dev team changing one of the most essential parts in the game. I'm sure the new patch did some great things, i'm not saying it did not. But if you want to make the game more "realistic" after 6 years, you should either release it in a Seperate patch or mod. Not shove it down the throat of an entire community. I'm sure u will see more posts like mine in the future, but this is where i end the discussion from my end.
  3. opftafel

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    I think that after 6 Years , you should not have changed this. there is now a very big group of people that are not satisfied/frustrated because a select group of "realistplebs" decided to change a game they have been playing every day for 6 years. Honestly, THIS feature should have been a optional patch.
  4. opftafel

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    I'm sure i speak for alot of the community (especially the warfare mission playing one), when i say that more harm then good was done with the latest updates. 1)Changing offroad speeds, Why? the game is 6 years old, there was no need to change this. If there was a request from certain players they could have easily chosen for an offroad speed script. Don't push this change upon an entire community. 2) Short list of found bugs.. M1a2 Tusk loader does not fire anymore, entire crew must be turned out. M1a2 Tusk Coaxile machine gun zeroing set to standard 1600M. G36 Scope bugged 18 rounds of BMP2 HE ammo can kill a tusk now, whilst the AP rounds need triple the ammount.. Offroad speeds,.. like stated before, I'm going to ask in this thread to revert the patches made , and to simply release these patches as beta or something, or optional patches.
  5. FN fal, high stopping power, penetration. can easily shoot inside helicopter cockpits
  6. did you buy your game in a local store? (did u take it off the shelf?) if so, big chance somebody passed by, wrote the keycodes down and put the product back, if this is the case i can only advice u in the future to ask for a product with the original plastic consealment around it.