Anything u see wrong here guys?
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// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
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// @file Name: FAR_HandleDamage_EH.sqf
// @file Author: Farooq, AgentRev
#include "FAR_defines.sqf"
#include "gui_defines.hpp"
//private ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_dead", "_killerVehicle", "_oldDamage"];
_unit = _this select 0;
//_selection = _this select 1;
//_damage = _this select 2;
_source = _this select 3;
_ammo = _this select 4;
_criticalHit = (_selection in ["","body","head"]);
_dead = (_damage >= 1 && alive _unit && _criticalHit);
// Find suspects
if (((_dead && !isNull _source) || (_criticalHit && UNCONSCIOUS(_unit))) && isNil {_unit getVariable "FAR_killerVehicle"}) then
[_unit, _source, _ammo] call FAR_setKillerInfo;
if (UNCONSCIOUS(_unit)) then
//if (_selection != "?") then
_oldDamage = if (_selection == "") then { damage _unit } else { _unit getHit _selection };
if (!isNil "_oldDamage") then
// Apply part of the damage without multiplier when below the stabilization threshold of 50% damage
if (STABILIZED(_unit) && {_criticalHit && FAR_DamageMultiplier < 1}) then
_oldDamage = _damage min 0.5;
_damage = ((_damage - _oldDamage) * FAR_DamageMultiplier) + _oldDamage;
if (_criticalHit) then
_unit setDamage _damage;
if (_damage >= 1 && _criticalHit) then
diag_log format ["KILLED by [%1] with [%2]", _source, _ammo];
// Allow revive if unit is dead and not in exploded vehicle
if (_dead && alive vehicle _unit) then
_unit setVariable ["FAR_isUnconscious", 1, true];
[] spawn fn_deletePlayerData;
_unit allowDamage false;
//if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then { [_unit, "AinjPpneMstpSnonWrflDnon"] call switchMoveGlobal };
_unit enableFatigue true;
_unit setFatigue 1;
if (!isNil "FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread" && {typeName FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread == "SCRIPT" && {!scriptDone FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread}}) then
terminate FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread;
closeDialog ReviveBlankGUI_IDD;
closeDialog ReviveGUI_IDD;
FAR_Player_Unconscious_thread = [_unit, _source] spawn FAR_Player_Unconscious;
_damage = 0.5;
diag_log format ["INCAPACITATED by [%1] with [%2]", _source, _ammo];
Problem is that before 1.54 patch, players were revivable* no matter where or how they got hit. Now there is 50/50 chance to get instanly killed without gettin injured. Iv been messing around with this issue since new patch came out but as non coder it seems i cant figure it out.