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  1. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    OMG dude that was not a stupid question, i am so noob omg i was trying everything and i forgot to update the server everything is working now xD Thanks!!!
  2. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    My altitude is fine look at this screenshot:
  3. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    Still not working and the first line "this && (local player) && (vehicle player in thisList)" is the line that i show here in this topic this one: class Item468 { dataType="Trigger"; position[]={3644.9509,10.167008,13104.596}; angle=0.087266311; class Attributes { name="safezone_1_4_3_1_5"; text="Safezone"; condition="this && (local player) && (vehicle player in thisList)"; onActivation="hint parseText ""<t color='#7CFC00' size='2' align='center'>Attention!</t><br/> You are entering in a safe area"";"; onDeactivation="hint ""You are leaving the safe ares."";"; sizeA=40; sizeB=40; interuptable=1; repeatable=1; activationType="CIV D"; activationBy="CIV"; type="SWITCH"; }; id=469; type="EmptyDetector";
  4. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    I have done the same thing as you and it's not working in MP Dedicated server i don't know why i have testes with and without vehicle, with compiled version and decompiled and don't work
  5. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    I will test with this way and then i will comment with the results
  6. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    I don't know why it's not working, because in editor they are working if i press play and then test they are working but when im in the server they don't work, only work in editor
  7. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    This is one of my triggers is anything wrong with it? class Item468 { dataType="Trigger"; position[]={3644.9509,10.167008,13104.596}; angle=0.087266311; class Attributes { name="safezone_1_4_3_1_5"; text="Safezone"; condition="this && (local player) && (vehicle player in thisList)"; onActivation="hint parseText ""<t color='#7CFC00' size='2' align='center'>Attention!</t><br/> You are entering in a safe area"";"; onDeactivation="hint ""You are leaving the safe ares."";"; sizeA=40; sizeB=40; interuptable=1; repeatable=1; activationType="CIV D"; activationBy="CIV"; type="SWITCH"; }; id=469; type="EmptyDetector"; and it's just for civillians
  8. SuperM

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    I read something about Fixed trigger today in this page ( https://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00053 ) Are they fixed? because for me they still not working... Eden Editor: Fixed: Triggers in multiplayer scenarios created in the Eden Editor would not trigger on clients
  9. Hello, i was changing my mission and i notice that was one message in 2D editor, that 2d editor will be removed, so with that i need to move my mission to 3d editor. Okay when i try to open it i got one error, i found the solution by adding one NPC. After doing that, it was everything okay because i have opened the mission and made some changes etc.. But when i set it running in my server i notice that triggers are not working, i have triggers for safe zone messages, triggers for vehicle speed limit, and some more, but they are not working at all with 3d mission file, i try to save the file without compilation but the problem remains, what should i do? trigger problem will be fixed in the next updates or something? Im running one Altis Life Server and i don't want to lose all my job when the 2d editor got removed... I have reply to one topic this one ( https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188330-trigger-issues-in-eden/) it's almos the same but i got no answer, so i decide to create my own, because i saw some more people with the same problems in Altis Life forums but no one can tell us what to do. I hope that some DEV can tell us something about this problem. Thanks for your attention. And sorry if i post this in the wrong section.
  10. SuperM

    Trigger issues in Eden?

    This is one example of my safezone trigger class Item468 { dataType="Trigger"; position[]={3644.9509,10.167008,13104.596}; angle=0.087266311; class Attributes { name="safezone_1_4_3_1_5"; text="Safezone"; condition="this && (local player) && (vehicle player in thisList)"; onActivation="hint parseText ""<t color='#7CFC00' size='2' align='center'>Attention!</t><br/> You are entering in a safe area"";"; onDeactivation="hint ""You are leaving the safe ares."";"; sizeA=40; sizeB=40; interuptable=1; repeatable=1; activationType="CIV D"; activationBy="CIV"; type="SWITCH"; }; id=469; type="EmptyDetector";
  11. SuperM

    Trigger issues in Eden?

    Hello, i can't create a new topic i don't know why, but my problem is almost the same, im making one Altis Life server, and i have updated the mission from 2d editor to 3d editor (EDEN) everything is good but the triggers are not working i have triggers for SPEED RADAR when the player is driving fast, and the other ones are for messages like safe zones when the player enter in he zone appears one messagen and when the players levaes too, but with the mission updated to eden they stop working.