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Everything posted by uriki9

  1. uriki9

    need a modder to help

    all you need do is make a big plane on the area you want to walk and then put that as a new lod called road way, take a look at the arma 3 samples its very very simple. if you can do texture you can do that.
  2. Uriki's Gendarmerie Expansion adds 2 new factions with the aim of expanding the Apex faction Gendarmerie. WHAT IS IN THE MOD ? 2 new factions. 12 new units. 2 new uniforms. 3 new vest. 3 new headgear items. 2 new boat variant. 4 new wheeled Vehicles variants. 2 new Hellcat helicopter variants. 2 new Hummingbird helicopter variants. Caesar BTT with camera sensor module and the ability to drop super bright flares. All Virtual Arsenal, Zeus and Editor ready. I WOULD LIKE TO ADD More units for factions - E.O.D, Divers, Engineers. Search & Rescue - Jungle Rangers. Groups for Zeus and Editor use. Dev Logs & Sneak Peaks Keep your eyes on this page for Dev Logs and Sneak Peaks of future updates herehttp://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/767912608/135512931346503562/ DOWNLOAD
  3. A few pictures showing the new vehicle textures in todays update. The Hunter has had all of its textures remade to a much higher standard. Work on the APC textures have been finished now that it functions as in intended. I've added a new texture to the BTT for now its pretty simple, I may updated this in the future. An assault boat has been added with textures matching the RHIB.
  4. My goal with the mod is to expand on the existing Viper equipment and units with new camouflage and unit types. Mod content 3 new Viper camouflage variants Black, Black Hex and Snow Hex. 3 New factions "Viper (Black)", "Viper (Black Hex)" and "Viper (Snow Hex) Future Of This Mod Other Viper units types not in the base game E.G Para, fast strike mounted units, heavy units, super light units Viper transport vehicles Viper Y-32 Xi'an Download
  5. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Main_Menu#Spotlight Ive got my custom main menu spotlight working just fine how I'd like it but I'm not sure if what I'd like to happen when its clicked is even possible let alone how to go about getting it done. What I'd ultimately like is when the spotlight is clicked for it to load a mission. (or as close as can be gotten to that) Any help or even a relevant link you can provide would be great. Thanks in advance.
  6. so they are not attached to the gun you just want the option for them in the menu to be gone ?
  7. http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-ogv-to-texture/ That should cover it.
  8. What is the gun your trying to remove the attachments from and what attachments are they ?