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About Zenofire

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  1. Zenofire

    1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

    Love the game...I think there is a clear disconnect between what BIS has in its development pipeline from what the customers (US!) really want and that voice has been either overlooked or they have selected those that are telling them what they want to hear. Firstly, you can see form above that the system falls short of expectations all around bar a few comments and even then most have concerns. Literally, all servers I have joined are messed up so far...albeit I have joined Exile, A3 and no others yet, I am sure it will be fixed in time on these until another update reverts everyone back to frantically fixing it...I note at least one response above mentions server population dropoff -does this concern you one bit Devs??? I am interested in that discussion because keeping the community going is of great concern to all of us (customers, remember). While fatigued, i can tell you, if someone starts shooting my direction, motivation and adrenaline will take over and I will move frantically, I can assure you...and if I was as fit as I expect most fighting age men/women to be, I could probably keep it up for a while, this system does not support that reality. (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186307-154-fatigue-is-too-unrealistic/?p=2944330) At the very least, this should have been an "OPT IN" system rather than "OPT OUT" (with lots of work involved). Its like the advanced heli controls - I have yet to find a server that uses it with a population more than 10 people on a regular basis (maybe I ain't lookin' hard enough). I am concerned that from the outset, there has been huge discussions about very obvious improvements to the game architecture that would improve everything for everyone and yet there is 'tweaking' (as referred to above) on systems that were just fine to start with and were at a good level of realism that didn't need work. I guess your customer base must be changing, right? We the guinea pigs of the next big customer? I am guessing server populations will drop off, no loss really some playing are idiots, right? what happens when admins give up and mod developers give up? Reacting at that point will be too late....