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Everything posted by DancingCorpse

  1. I immediately noticed with the 1.66 update that my footsteps always sound to be coming from behind me. It has been pretty disorienting, because I constantly mistake them for an enemy behind me. I have also noticed that I can barely hear the footsteps of others, often times I am hearing their equipment on their bodies moving more than I am hearing their footsteps.
  2. DancingCorpse

    1.66 Audio issue with footsteps

    Are we ever going to get the fix to this pushed to Stable branch? It HAD been fixed in Dev Branch for the longest time and now people are reporting it's broken in Dev Branch AGAIN.
  3. DancingCorpse

    Common MP KOTH Issues

    Here's my take on the issues from experience. Unfortunately game balance is not an ArmA issue but a KOTH/Community/Server issue. The KOTH mode has made it glaringly obvious that OPFOR has an advantage over the other teams. They usually have a closer/more direct road route to the AO, and OPFOR has skin loadouts with better armor with certain skins that have the Fatigues with armor, the Carrier Rig with armor and an upgraded helmet with better armor. Players obviously take advantage of this, and servers fail to nip the problem in the bud early in the game modes or they just lack the power to fix the problem. I'm not sure if this issue is specific to KOTH, but I can say I have not experienced the issue in other modes. Half my guts want to tell me that it is an engine issue though. The other half thinks it's an issue with cleanup scripts in KOTH. The third half thinks it might be a combination of both. (Yes, I have 3 halves, so what, wanna fight about it?) In my opinion, this is a KOTH issue. The buy menu needs to make it clear what weapons are DLC and what are not, which it fails miserably to do. This is an engine issue. I experience this all the time in game modes other than KOTH (happened to me on Exile just the other night with a dead vehicle that had no burning effects on it but still burned me to death from about 10 feed away.
  4. DancingCorpse

    1.66 Audio issue with footsteps

    We are not discussing if you like the sounds or not, we are discussing a legitimate bug and detriment to gameplay and immersion.
  5. DancingCorpse

    1.66 Audio issue with footsteps

    Submitted a feedback ticket on the issue: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121866
  6. DancingCorpse

    I found a sound bug in 1.66 details in description.

    Related thread of users with same issue: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/199866-166-audio-issue-with-footsteps/
  7. DancingCorpse

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    I found the fix for it linked from another community: https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/3x87vs/154_fps_drop_fix_change_your_default_sound_format/ Problem went away after I switched down to 24 bit 48000hz
  8. DancingCorpse

    Lot of tracers makes the game unplayable in MP

    https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/3x87vs/154_fps_drop_fix_change_your_default_sound_format/ Try the tips in that video and thread, I had the same issue you do and it was a sound issue, and this cleared it right up. I didn't even turn mine down all the way, I just put it on 24 bit 48000hz and I no longer have the frame drops.
  9. DancingCorpse

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    I've come to notice this happens a lot when the miniguns on the Ghost Hawk and Huron fire continuously as well.
  10. DancingCorpse

    ArmA 3 Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    An interesting fix I hadn't seen before that has worked really well for me is to change on of the MSconfig boot options. Saw this posted on the Steam Forums. Go to Start Menu --> Type in "msconfig" (without quotes) and hit Enter --> Go to the "Boot" tab --> Select "Advanced Options" --> Check "Number of processors" and select the appropriate number --> Hit "OK" --> Hit "Apply" --> Hit "OK" --> Restart. You might have to experiment with the setting for your own CPU, but I have an older AMD Phenom II+ 6x 1090T and I selected 6 processors and it worked like a charm.
  11. DancingCorpse

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    -snipped- posted that info in the wrong thread. I'm having this issue all of a sudden after the new update, didn't have it before. Anything shooting large shells in my area makes my FPS drop to almost nothing until the explosions stop. Particularly happens badly when the Warthog Wipeout shoots in my general direction.