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About ItzTopcat

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    Private First Class

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    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Server Administration, Coding
  1. Hello Opusfmspol, I am glad people are still active in Arma2. Thank you for your answer I will test it right away! Edit: worked like a charm Thanks! 🙂
  2. Hello, can anybody help me with this script RPT shows and spams Sleep 10; Call Co> Error Undefined variable in expression: commoninitcomplete File mpmissions\__cur_mp.smd_sahrani_a2\Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqf, line 14 Error in expression <tMarkerSizeLocal [0.5,0.5]; waitUntil {commonInitComplete}; Sleep 10; Actual script: _camp = _this Select 0; _town = _this Select 1; Call Compile Format["if (IsNil ""%1Camps"") then {%1Camps = []};",Str _town]; Call Compile Format["%1Camps = %1Camps + [_camp]",Str _town]; _index = Call Compile Format["%1Camps Find _camp",Str _town]; _marker = Format["%1Camp%2",Str _town,_index]; CreateMarkerLocal [_marker,GetPos _camp]; _marker SetMarkerTypeLocal "Strongpoint"; _marker SetMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue"; _marker SetMarkerSizeLocal [0.5,0.5]; waitUntil {commonInitComplete}; Sleep 10; Call Compile Format["if (IsNil ""%1SideID"") then {%1SideID = RESISTANCEID};",Str _camp]; Call Compile Format["if (IsNil ""%1SupplyValue"") then {%1SupplyValue = %2SupplyValue};",Str _camp,Str _town]; if (IsServer) then { _flagType = "FlagCarrierINDFOR_EP1"; if (PkgA2) then {_flagType = "FlagCarrierGUE"}; _flagPole = _flagType CreateVehicle GetPos _camp; _flagPole SetFlagTexture "Client\Images\Flags\flag_resistance.paa"; [_camp,_town,_flagPole] ExecVM "Server\Server_UpdateCamp.sqf"; };
  3. ItzTopcat

    Altis Life

    I did not understand this, dlkf;sdf out!
  4. ItzTopcat

    name the weapon

    That navy is scripted. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27648 The classname of the ''Traced Gun'' is probably ; ''1000Rnd_Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F" with different sound scripts. The rockets are either AA Titan missiles OR AA aircraft missiles AA missile from an aircraft; "2Rnd_Missile_AA_04_F" "2Rnd_Missile_AA_03_F" AA Titan Missle; "Titan_AA" Hope this helps..
  5. ItzTopcat

    HQ script

    Hello Emrak, I would like to thank you and barbolani very very very much for all your help I really appreciate it. I made some little changes by your suggestions and I saw a little performance in the scripts. However, about the spawning on HQ when its destroyed, I managed to fix this. the problem was here; Each side (WEST and EAST) they needed an different object. if the object were the same in this case "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" it only works for one side, these empty assets needed to be different to make the script work; for example; if (playerSide == EAST) then { _new_veh = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", [_x, _y], [], 0, "NONE"]; _new_veh setPos [_x, _y, 0]; _new_veh setDir _dir; _new_veh addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQKilled.sqf"}]; HQ_Object = _new_veh; publicVariable "HQ_Object"; Forward_HQ set [3, 2]; Forward_HQ set [4, _x]; Forward_HQ set [5, _y]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; } else { _new_veh = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", [_x, _y], [], 0, "NONE"]; _new_veh setPos [_x, _y, 0]; _new_veh setDir _dir; _new_veh addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQKilled.sqf"}]; HQ_Object = _new_veh; publicVariable "HQ_Object"; Forward_HQ set [0, 2]; Forward_HQ set [1, _x]; Forward_HQ set [2, _y]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; }; Should be: if (playerSide == EAST) then { _new_veh = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", [_x, _y], [], 0, "NONE"]; _new_veh setPos [_x, _y, 0]; _new_veh setDir _dir; _new_veh addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQKilled.sqf"}]; HQ_Object = _new_veh; publicVariable "HQ_Object"; Forward_HQ set [3, 2]; Forward_HQ set [4, _x]; Forward_HQ set [5, _y]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; } else { _new_veh = createVehicle ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F", [_x, _y], [], 0, "NONE"]; _new_veh setPos [_x, _y, 0]; _new_veh setDir _dir; _new_veh addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQKilled.sqf"}]; HQ_Object = _new_veh; publicVariable "HQ_Object"; Forward_HQ set [0, 2]; Forward_HQ set [1, _x]; Forward_HQ set [2, _y]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; }; the createvehicle needed to be different What kind of stupidness is this? i really didnt think of this. why cant we use the same empty assets for both sides. but when i changed it, it worked. Now Both sides are not able to spawn on HQ when it's destroyed. once again, its freaking stupid found.. BUT most important. Thank you man, Thank you Barbaloni too for his help aswell really appreciated. Thread can marked as Solved!
  6. ItzTopcat

    HQ script

    Hello barbolani, Thank you for your reply, But its not all about the markers, the markers are fine.. and its working. when player is dead hes still able to spawn on respawn_west or respawn_east with no problems. Also, this is what i have added to server.init //Forward HQ global public variable init Forward_HQ = [1,0,0,1,0,0]; publicvariable "Forward_HQ"; Forward_HQ_Old = [1,0,0,1,0,0]; publicvariable "Forward_HQ_Old"; //Create killed EH on server, in case commander disconnects, and HQ becomes local to server "HQ_Object" addPublicVariableEventHandler { [] execVM "SERVER\CreateHQKilledEH.sqf"}; Still no clue what is going on for EAST side players. i just want the ''respawn on HQ'' button removed if the HQ is destroyed. this is what I have in one of the scripts //disable forward HQ spawn if not valid if ((playerSide == WEST) and (Forward_HQ select 0 < 2)) then { ctrlEnable [444, false]; }; if ((playerSide == EAST) and (Forward_HQ select 3 < 2)) then { ctrlEnable [444, false]; }; EDIT: I forgot the script how players are spawning on HQ. //forward spawn unit to HQ if (HQ_respawn) then { HQ_respawn = false; //hint "Spawn On HQ"; if (playerSide == WEST) then { titleText ["","BLACK OUT",1]; sleep 1.5; titleText ["Spawning on HQ","BLACK FADED",1]; player setPos [(Forward_HQ select 1) + 5 + (random 20), (Forward_HQ select 2) + 5 + (random 20)]; sleep 2; titleText ["","BLACK IN",1]; } else { titleText ["","BLACK OUT",1]; sleep 1.5; titleText ["Spawn on HQ","BLACK FADED",1]; player setPos [(Forward_HQ select 4) + 5 + (random 20), (Forward_HQ select 5) + 5 + (random 20)]; sleep 2; titleText ["","BLACK IN",1]; }; }; I'll keep working :(
  7. Confirmed and this is working!
  8. ItzTopcat

    HQ script

    Hello Emrak, Thank you for your reply However I'll answer your thoughts about this script. This is a PvP Mission so when the HQ is destroyed the commanders should know that the HQ is a very important object to spawn on thats why the sleep 1200 for 20 minutes untill a new hq is available, Respawn is set on ''BASE'' in description as you assumed. The mission has 2 Bases and 2 respawn points which are respawn_west and respawn_east the units are spawning on these spawnpoints. Only the commander has the addAction for deploying the HQ, the addAction for this is //Add Create HQ option to commanders if (rank player == "LIEUTENANT") then { player removeAction HQActionID; if (playerSide == WEST) then { HQActionID = player addAction ["<t color='#FFF37A'>" + "Deploy HQ" + "</t>", "CLIENT\CreateForwardHQ.sqf", [], 10, false, true, "teamSwitchPrev", "(rank player == 'LIEUTENANT') and (Forward_HQ select 0 == 1) and (time > 300)"]; } else { HQActionID = player addAction ["<t color='#FFF37A'>" + "Deploy HQ" + "</t>", "CLIENT\CreateForwardHQ.sqf", [], 10, false, true, "teamSwitchPrev", "(rank player == 'LIEUTENANT') and (Forward_HQ select 3 == 1) and (time > 300)"]; }; }; This is working very well, the HQ object deploys and players are able to spawn on HQ when they are dead a menu will pop-up with weapon selection and a button for ''Respawn on HQ'' So, -addAction works fine -Markers are accurate if the HQ is deployed a marker will be shown on map for each side. -Players are able to spawn on HQ when they are dead, this works fine -Commanders are able to deploy HQ Now thanks too barbolani i've managed to make some things work. However, When the HQ is destroyed, players on EAST SIDE are still able to spawn on HQ which is bad! the button should be removed but the strange thing is players on WEST side are not able to spawn on HQ when it's destroyed which is good!. I still cant figure this out because its freaking confusing.. Conclusion: Why the hell is the script not working for the EAST side players able to respawn on HQ when it's destroyed??? this needs to be removed simply if the HQ is destroyed nobody should able to spawn on HQ but for some reason, the script is working for WEST side players. My brains hurt so bad :( Thank you, I hope you can help me out,
  9. ItzTopcat

    HQ script

    Hello barbolani, HOLY SHIT IT WORKED! I bombed the HQ (Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F) it said '' HQ destroyed '' now the button for spawning on HQ is removed so players cant spawn anymore untill the ''commander'' deploys another HQ i think the problem was what you mentioned if (typeOf _HQ == "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F") THANK YOU!
  10. I am confused, Do we put this in unit init, or mission init? if so, how do we disable the freaking fatigue? I have this in my Init.sqf this will probably not work anymore? I didnt test it yet [] spawn { // No fatigue while {true} do { player setFatigue 0; uiSleep 6; }; }; Edit this should work o.O [] spawn { // No fatigue while {true} do { player enableStamina false; player forceWalk false; uiSleep 6; }; };
  11. ItzTopcat

    [MP] GWAR3 (Gossamer's Warfare 3)

    Awesome, Installing it on our server! :)
  12. ItzTopcat

    Basic Scripting help

    put [] execVM "scriptname.sqf" in ON ACT of the trigger, this will excute a script. is this what you are telling us :D? do you even have the script?
  13. ItzTopcat

    HQ script

    Thank you very much, wont happen again :D
  14. ItzTopcat

    HQ script

    Hi Barbolani, Splendid answer, however, I still want to post the ForwardHQKilled.sqf to check if everything is ok in the script. I still dont understand why the HQ is still undestroyed when I actually destroy it, somehow its not removing the HQ spawnpoint but turns into a Ruined HQ which is still spawnable.. ForwardHQKilled.sqf as followed; _HQ = _this select 0; //player commandChat "local HQ destroyed"; //diag_log text "local HQ destroyed"; if (_HQ isKindOf "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F") then { Forward_HQ set [3, 0]; Forward_HQ set [4, 0]; Forward_HQ set [5, 0]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQUpdates.sqf"; sleep 1200; Forward_HQ set [3, 1]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQUpdates.sqf"; //diag_log text "East HQ Destroyed"; player commandChat "HQ available"; } else { Forward_HQ set [0, 0]; Forward_HQ set [1, 0]; Forward_HQ set [2, 0]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQUpdates.sqf"; sleep 1200; Forward_HQ set [0, 1]; publicVariable "Forward_HQ"; execVM "CLIENT\ForwardHQUpdates.sqf"; //diag_log text "West HQ Destroyed"; player commandChat "HQ available"; }; ForwardHQUpdates.sqf //player sideChat format ["%1 %2", Forward_HQ, Forward_HQ_Old]; if (playerSide == WEST) then { //if HQ is created if ((Forward_HQ_Old select 0 < 2) and (Forward_HQ select 0 == 2)) then { _mrk = createMarkerLocal ["HQ_marker", [Forward_HQ select 1, Forward_HQ select 2]]; _mrk setMarkerTypeLocal "b_hq"; //Creates marker on map _mrk setMarkerTextLocal "Head Quarter"; // Marker with name player sideChat "HQ established"; //Forward_HQ_Old = Forward_HQ for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { Forward_HQ_Old set [_i, Forward_HQ select _i]; }; }; //if HQ is destroyed if ((Forward_HQ_Old select 0 == 2) and (Forward_HQ select 0 == 0)) then { deleteMarkerLocal "HQ_marker"; player sideChat "HQ destroyed"; //Forward_HQ_Old = Forward_HQ for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { Forward_HQ_Old set [_i, Forward_HQ select _i]; }; }; } else { //if HQ is created if ((Forward_HQ_Old select 3 < 2) and (Forward_HQ select 3 == 2)) then { _mrk = createMarkerLocal ["HQ_marker", [Forward_HQ select 4, Forward_HQ select 5]]; _mrk setMarkerTypeLocal "o_hq"; //Creates marker on map _mrk setMarkerTextLocal "Head Quarter"; //Created marker with name Marker player sideChat "HQ established"; //Forward_HQ_Old = Forward_HQ for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { Forward_HQ_Old set [_i, Forward_HQ select _i]; }; }; //if HQ is destroyed if ((Forward_HQ_Old select 3 == 2) and (Forward_HQ select 3 == 0)) then { deleteMarkerLocal "HQ_marker"; player sideChat "HQ destroyed"; //Forward_HQ_Old = Forward_HQ for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { Forward_HQ_Old set [_i, Forward_HQ select _i]; }; }; }; I Hope you can help me out