Hi, I'm trying to import several thousand objects into the eden editor, and all i've got is an sqf. Their position and everything is all recorded like this where it creates a vehicle followed by setposASL and setVectorDirAndUp. Each and every single one is called _newObject, they all repeat right after each other creating a new vehicle for each new object. My question is how do i convert this to a create3denentity command and have them place in the same spot? The map their on is Stratis.
_newObject = createVehicle ['OfficeTable_01_new_F', [1951.09,5702.63,1.90735e-006], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _newObject setPosASL [1951.09,5702.63,6.24668]; _newObject setVectorDirAndUp [[0.968601,-0.24862,0], [0,0,1]];