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. AY .

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About . AY .

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  1. . AY .

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Nice... thanks for the fast reply MrSanchez, am just new to that scripting stuff :lol: but googled now for how to used brackets on scripst "arrays", thanks for the hint. i used the editor and placed just the name into the appropriate field. now i edited it with notepad++ (goes faster then always starting editor) to ["Item"] and it works like a charm, btw funny to see the loot is directly spawning on the ground next to the killed zed. Love the mod, thanks for all the work u guys put in there B)
  2. . AY .

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Thanks for the update and nice to see that the "Error: Bone" spam is gone :) mabe its a noobish thing, but i have a problem while adding loot to the zeds. class Item0 { value="FirstAidKit"; parentCls="RyanZM_ModuleLootSettings"; typeName="Items"; }; "FirstAidKit" it's just an example... what ever i fill in behind "value=" it gives me an error in rpt: maybe i use a wrong quotation? i dunno... 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error in expression <_Items = FirstAidKit> 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error position: <FirstAidKit> 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error Undefined variable in expression: firstaidkit 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error in expression <_ItemsSoldier = FirstAidKit> 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error position: <FirstAidKit> 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error Undefined variable in expression: firstaidkit 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error in expression <aponsamountmax",1]; ryanzombiesitems = _Items; ryanzombiesitemschance = _Itemsc> 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error position: <_Items; ryanzombiesitemschance = _Itemsc> 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 Error Undefined variable in expression: _items 2015/12/13, 17:02:55 File ryanzombies\functions\fn_ModuleLootSettings.sqf, line 31 Would really appreciate a hint what i'm doing wrong.
  3. . AY .

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hi ppls :) First i have to say awesome mod, absolutly appreciate the work, thanks for that. I'm trying to configure out the deletion settings for the zeds when noone is near them. What i want is that they spawn if a player (exile player "independent") or blufor (ai) or both is present, this works by setting the spawn trigger to independent AND blufur. Works nice so far... But in the deletion settings (despawn) i can only set "one" is not present (independent OR bluefur) so if i set it to independent, they will despawn if independent is not present, which works, but if a blufur alone is triggering the spawn and blufor get killed or runs away, the zeds will not despawn... and vice versa. If i set a second deletion settings to blufur and a player or ai is triggering the spawn, the zeds will die after a few seconds because the deletion settings is missing a second present. Is there a way to make the deletion settings working that it checks independent OR blufor is not present? Thanks in advance for any hints on that. If there was already an answer to my question, then excuse me I've overlooked it.