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Posts posted by cool.vosdap@yandex.ru





    VERSION 0.4.1. BUILD 1335




    New: 2x Armed UAZ 469
    New: 2x Unarmed UAZ 3151
    New: 2x KORD static machine gun
    New: 1x NSVS static machine gun
    New: 1x M240 static machine gun
    New: RPK-74 light machine gun
    New: M136A1 AT4 CS RS
    New: Reload animation for AK series
    Improved: Damage system and first aid system
    Improved: Self-contained launchers system
    Improved: Inventory system
    Improved: PASGT and SSh-68 helmets
    Improved: B8 binocular model
    Improved: F-1 grenade model
    Improved: 1P76 sight model
    Improved: Visual effects
    Fixed: Invisible AKS-74 with GP-25 after reloading
    Fixed: Invisible PKM in some lods
    Arma3Sync autoconfig url:
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