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Insane Ruffles

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Everything posted by Insane Ruffles

  1. Insane Ruffles

    Hosting multiplayer won't work any more.

    I have tried it without any addons. Same thing happens.
  2. Insane Ruffles

    Hosting multiplayer won't work any more.

    I am having the same problem, though my problem seems to have occurred after the last couple of updates. Server was perfectly fine before then.
  3. Insane Ruffles

    Zeus Player Slot Issues

    Is there anyway I can make a new thread as a new user? I am also having problems with editing a zeus mission, but for me it is player slots. Setting a unit to playable in my mission doesnt fix it. When I start my server up, there is only a zeus slot and that's it.
  4. Insane Ruffles

    Arma 3 fps bug?

    I upgraded my GFX card recently and had no improvement in FPS. Sometime I have drops in FPS as well. It seems to be mostly CPU bound.