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Posts posted by Lecter

  1. I don't know about status bars, I kinda prefer numerical displays : it takes less space and works just as well. ^^

    Here is what I meant:


    I dont know, it looks nice imo, and handy to be honest because we wouldnt have to stop moving and press I for Inventory to see our stats. By having at least hunger/thirst shown on screen (maybe radiation), it kinda represents "what we feel" i.e. we dont need to stop and look into our stomach to check if we're hungry/thirsty :D But no worries mate, it aint that important - it could be handy and that's all. Maybe some people would find it useful as well and nice looking add-on/script.

    Anyhow, what I dislike really about this update is the fact that gear disappears from vehicles and they're no longer usable as "stash". Maybe you could make vehicle that we drive and stuff inside it as persistent? I dont know, maybe like adding "car key" as a trigger item for saving the gear inside that vehicle, or vehicle door locking option... I dont know, you're the brain behind Ravage, I'm just dropping a suggestion.  ;)

  2. Haleks could you make status bar for Ravage? Like the one on Exile mod? I'd suggest putting HP, Hunger, Thirst, Radiation, days survived, and kill count on it - separate zeds from human kills i.e. renegades and bandits? It'd be a nice touch imho.

  3. I don't add every Ravage video I make to this thread because I feel it's a bit narcissistic. But I made a video of a three hour continuous first person playthrough of the Tanoa demo mission. That'll test people's patience.

    Haleks: All the AI speech was garbled. I tried reinstalling everything and verifying the game cache, etc, but it still came out garbled. I don't know what could be causing this. Also, you're aware of the backpack/trader problem - I found that the traders had nothing to sell (and had empty backpacks). That's at about 02:08:00 in the video.

    Dont be silly mate, I personally enjoy your videos myself as well as your DaiZy forum for A2. Keep 'em coming, I'm subscriber on YT but sometimes, more than often, I dont check for new stuff there, so as far as I'm concerned, I welcome your vids being posted here as well as a heads-up. 

    • Like 2

  4. Hi, have you tried my Esseker mission so far?



    One more thing I forgot to mention, and regarding your Esseker mission - I dont know why (maybe it's my mods, or the fact that I dont have Apex DLC) but once I go to "Save and exit" and then exit the Arma as a whole and start game again, I dont have "CONTINUE" on Esseker mission. I really dont have time to go through all of my mods disabling them one by one to see the culprit, although Ravage doesnt have this issue.

  5. Hi, have you tried my Esseker mission so far?



    Esseker looks nice, I gave it a try however that bug (I dont know if anyone has reported it yet) with vehicles that have tendency to "sink" into ground and get stuck is rather annoying and makes the utilization of vehicles pointless. Fix it please.

    • Like 1

  6. Hi lecter,


    1. That's the new virtualization system for ambiant cars and wrecks : vehicles are saved, deleted & restored as the player moves around, but their cargo is not persistent at the moment. One thing to know, only empty vehicles are virtualized; so it's a good idea, if you recruited survivors, to let one of them inside if you have to go away. It is something I intend to adress, maybe for Ravage 140; once it's done, we'll have everything we need to add vehicles persistency for MP.

    2. Didn't change anything regarding loot spawn chances, so I'd say you were super lucky on the toolkits and unlucky on jerrycans! ^^

    I did find a few myself on my last play-test.

    3. Are you referring to the crewed helo that spawns in the Altis demo? Or does that concerns all Ghost Hawks?

    1 & 2 Thanks for elaboration mate, much appreciated.

    3. I'm referring to the helo that spawns in the Altis yes, and which is patrolling sky. I damaged it with heavy machine gun on armed offroad, forcing it to land, and upon eliminating the crew and getting to the heli, I have had no option to repair it either with your Toolkit, or the one that is inside helicopter as a loot among other stuff.

  7. I have 3 questions Haleks regarding this update:

    1. Things we leave in cars which we repair and use (guns, ammo, food etc.) disappear on this update - this was not the case earlier (I used one car to move around and other one in base to serve as a stash). I left my loaded car and went on exploring, and when I got back there was nothing inside it.  :huh:  :( 
    2. Spawn of jerrycans and toolkits - while I was able to find ample (and rather generous) amount of toolkits, I was unable to find a single jerrycan. This is rather surprising because on earlier version I'd normally find (at least one) jerrycan within one town (mostly on petrol stations or large white hangars). Is everything OK with the spawn rate or you changed it?
    3. Fixing downed helicopter. While earlier it was possible to repair UH-80 Ghost Hawk, now it does not have repair option even when we have toolkit.


  8. One possible explanation : this guy may be the only survivor of a traders group (you can't recruit traders neither their bodyguards). I'll double-check this to make sure.


    Also regarding silencers - they do affect how far zombies can hear gunshots, although it might need some tweaking...

    Just to confirm that you were right Haleks - that survivor must have been only survivor in a traders group, I found survivor after this guy and he had "Recruit unit" command.

    • Like 1

  9. How do you modify bandit's spawning gear? Is that done in Eden or Zeus? Sniper scopes are fun, sure. But i'm talking about even just having some rifle scopes (3x - 5x magnification) to make those 200m headshots a little easier.


    Shouldn't the sound from a silenced weapon, especially a pistol, travel a shorter distance than an non-silenced one? Just wondering if there is any difference in the range at which zombies will respond to a silenced versus non-silenced gunshot.

    You need this custom script which you need to add to init.sqf file which is in rvg_missions.pbo file in @Ravage folder > addons > rvg_missions.pbo 

    You need PBO manager to unpack pbo file, extract init.sqf file, add desired weapons classnames to the script (whether as civilian or military weapons, civilian=more common, military = less common), then replace edited init.sqf file for original one, just delete old and copy and paste edited init.sqf)

    Here's the script with Springfield sniper bolt-action rifle and HK PSG1 sniper from HLC pack as an example:


    waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_gearlist"};
    0 = rvg_mainWeapons pushBack _x; //civilians weapons

    forEach ["hlc_rifle_M1903A1_unertl",


    0 = rvg_Weapons pushBack _x; // military weapons


    forEach ["hlc_rifle_M1903A1_unertl",


    • Like 2

  10. Speaking of silencers, I'll sometimes equip one through virtual arsenal just for fun but I'm not sure if it even makes a difference to Zombies. Do they hear gunshots just a well even if a silencer is equipped?



    I think that silencers will not make a difference with zombies. They still "hear" the suppressed sound and come to investigate. At least I havent noticed the difference. Regarding long range scopes, well I put some to be spawned as part of bandit's gear, however you cant expect to hunt 500m+, zombies dont spawn that far, I believe. Still, a good long range scope does indeed help with sending shots against armed offroads and sniping gunners from a far.

  11. Haleks have you changed something regarding zombie's HP or it's the change due to new ArmA update? It takes 3 shots (even headshots arent instant kills) to take the zombie out with PSG1, G3, AKs, M16s etc. (I'm using NIArms mod i.e. former HLC and RHS). Until now they'd normally be killed with 1-2 shots depending on the caliber (7.62x51 or 5.56x54)

    EDIT: everything is fine. It was just a matter of distance. Projectile wouldnt kill zombie when doing headshot at distance but on closer range ~200-300m it does. My bad. Well, I guess I havent been in Ravage world for some time.

    • Like 1

  12. Bug report : I have a few problems with RAD PILLS and TOOLKITS, that appears on different mission (Ravaged Bystrica, Ravaged Essker, A Mission...) so i think it is a bug coming from Ravage Module.

    As i am using the Rad Pills or Toolkits by double-clicking on it, almost everytime clones of these objects spawns in my inventory.


    If i am using 3 times a Radpill, in the end, i have something like 5 or 6 Rad Pill objects in my inventory.

    Same for the toolkit : yesterday i repaired a vehicule (changed 2 tires, repaired the hull and the glasses) and in the end i had something like 4 or 5 Toolkits.

    I don't know how much times should be used Radpills or Toolkits before being "empty" but it doesn't seem to work to me...


    EDIT : I think i have the same problem with MATCHBOXES : I am never out of matches, and the object seems to clone itselft every time i use it to build fire...


    It could be related to multiple items in inventory which have more than one use and their stacking when used.

    For example:

    Full bottle of rad pills has 6 pills (uses). But if you have say 2 bottles with 3 pills, 1 with 2 pills, 1 with 1 pill, the usage of rad bottles will be as following (no matter if you double click on rad pills bottle with only 1 pill first):

    First those 2 bottles with 3 pills will be used until they reach amount of the bottle with 2 pills (meaning you'll use 1 pill from each bottle of 3), then you'll have 3 bottles of with 2 pills in them and 1 bottle with 1 pill.

    Following usage of rad pills will turn those 3 bottles with 2 pills to 4 bottles with 1 pill in each bottle (3 you had plus one with one pill from the start).

  13. Hello bad benson, I have a question:
    Can there be something done with Enhanced Movement to enable sliding down the ladders from a bit greater heights without losing HP/dying? Regular ARMA 3 slide-down-the-ladder works only from approximately 1.8m (height of a soldier - if I slide from a greater height than that there is loss of HP or even death if you slide from 5-6m or more tall water towers, buildings etc.)

  14. Here's a suggestion: Don't do that. Or only do it a bit.

    Helmets were just a proposal, even intended as a joke with that picture in the spoiler. :D Nothing of a big deal mate, I had no intention of spoiling the game mechanics with my proposal. - it was just an idea since Ravage is WIP.  ;) What I've read previously is the fact that some people are having a rather hard time to distinguish traders from radiers. 

    Personally, I managed without traders so far therefore I didnt ask it for myself. But I welcome the idea of having a trader (sometimes I do get low on ammo and they could be used for purchase, or if I'm really desperate killing them and looting whatever the player might choose). 

    Now, speaking of the idea itself, I dont need a blue helmet to tell friend from foe. I'm not quick on the engagements anyways, especially if I'm in open terrain with no cover. I havent yet seen a trader in the game, but what I would do to make sure they're not hostile is: 

    - watch their route and come in front of them, 

    - use some cover and show myself until seen for a brief time, 

    - if they start engaging & shooting it's easy to duck = conclusion: those are raiders. 

    So that's it - maybe this piece of advice can help players who have problems. In short: always use cover, observe, then react.

    Those armbands are a nice idea IMHO - one would need binoculars to focus on such a small detail and that could be that balancing factor.

    I'm sure Haleks can give them a label "trader" with white marker color on the map for example for lower difficulty settings to make them a bit easier to distinguish for the people (they'd need a map). I use hard difficulty settings with no markers on map anyways, so generally I'm rather cautious no matter whether it's raiders, renegades, or survivors. I've been shot dead more from renegades (mistaking them for survivors) than from raiders, since renegades are solo. Raiders are patrolling in bigger numbers so I can distinguish them by that. Cheers.

    EDIT: I'm more concerned about radiation mechanics. That one is a pain. Even fully geared (protection suit, gas-mask, rebreather - I found all on one occasion) I find it very difficult to venture in irradiated areas. Main problems are that those items, while being FREAKING rare, provide insignificant protection (at least I couldnt tell the difference of having a gas mask and not having it at all). I even checked irradiation increase with geiger counter and no matter whether I have those items equipped or not, I'd get same radiation dosage per 1minute of exposure on same spot. And that's not balanced IMO. If I managed to get good stuff, I'd like to have more time to spend in irradiated area searching for loot or killing bandits who spawn there with good stuff. 

    Anti-rad pills should be there to remove the rads only, but if we do find above mentioned protection items (maybe even include some other suits with closed-circuit), then they should give more resistance to radiation (not full immunity of course). Balancing factor should be that protection suit, oxygen rebreather, gas-mask, maybe add new backpack with oxygen tanks? would have no armor, and that backpack would have less space? Just an idea if Haleks is reading this of course.

    • Like 3

  15. I answered it last page, but yes. As to other changes, mostly it's recalibrating zeroing and fixing inheritence, but there's a few extra surprises.

    EDIt- San-suppressor means without suppressor. HLC_Rifle_honeybase is the badger without the muzzle.

    A rifle comes without suppressor no matter which classname I used:

    hlc_rifle_honeybadger (which should come with integrated sound suppressor, I assume)


    hlc_rifle_honeybase (which is without suppressor by default)

    So I dont understand what's the point in having the same weapon (i.e. without suppressor) spawned with 2 different classnames?

    Additionally, aiming down the sight does not engage back sight i.e. the peep-hole. Increasing zeroing 200-500m doesnt change the sight.

  16. Hello Toadie,
    I have found "a bug" regarding legacy pack of rifles, namely there is an error in AR weapon pack. To be precise classname of Honeybadger rifle in .300 Blackout and its suppressor is wrong (I've tested this in editor):

    hlc_rifle_honeybase - AAC 'Honey-Badger',Sans Suppressor - this definitely isnt correct classname for a suppressor, because all others have hlc_muzzle_(name of the suppressor). I've tried spawning it with: "hlc_muzzle_honeybase" but it doesnt work either.

    Rifle classname hlc_rifle_honeybadger - AAC 'Honey-Badger' is OK I believe but you might want to check it out just to be sure.

    Cheers and keep up the good work.

  17. It's not like I can ask my teammate "hey, where is the guy that you shot while I was shooting in that other direction?" :).

    I didnt want to quote the whole thing, but I get it what you need. Here is something what you can do to "somewhat" remedy it >now<. Turn your Terrain quality in Video settings to Low after you're done fighting. All the bushes and tall grass will disappear and you'll see the corpses for looting (useful to hunt rabbits which hide in the tall grass and bushes as well). You can turn terrain quality back to Normal/High/Ultra (whatever quality you play on) after you take what you need.

  18. Haleks did you check radiation mechanics? I found full protection suit, oxygen rebreather, and M40 mask, and yet the radiation accumulation is going up rather fast. With all that I couldnt even check the military compound with those big domes near airfield. Got 100% rad exposure half way through looting. I dont know, IMO radiation as it is now, even with these protection items (if they work that is, but it seems that they're only useless weight) is rather negative factor on gameplay. Anti rad pills are scarce IMO as well. Maybe this could be remedied by placing a fixed trader with anti-rad pills? Just a thought.

  19. That's because of an error coming from the intro script, making it impossible to spawn weapons on the dead unit.

    I had to return to the "call RVG_fnc_AddWeapon;" array for my missions too.



    Okay thanks mate. So it's something that came with this new Ravage update. I havent had it before, so I was just confused and thought it was a conflict with some of my mods. I guess Haleks will fix it eventually, but I dont mind having no gun initially - it's even more of a challenge now. Resorting to running and using advanced movement mod :D Cheers

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  20. Just a quick question Haleks: Did you remove initial weapon spawn on the corpse of the truck driver that we take our first loot?
    I've restarted mission a few times, it doesnt spawn a weapon, and then I unloaded all my other mods keeping only CBA_A3 and Ravage and the result is the same - there is no weapon on the dead soldier who is a driver of the truck we're spawn in.
