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About ToneR

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  1. ToneR

    Role Selection Screen is blank.

    I fixed the Problem, It was the DS-Lite IPv6, my Provider was changing to DualStack-Lite. When i realized it, i was trying to connect from the neighbours connection, he used standard IPv4 and it was working. So i was telling my Provider the problem and he change back to IPv4 at my home and now it works perfektly again.
  2. ToneR

    Role Selection Screen is blank.

    I konw that this is an older Thread but since 3 Days I can´t join any Servers, always I get a Blank Lobby Screen, if I press Ok, the Loading Screen is showing up but nothing happend and than I get kicked back to the Serverlist. I was trying to join a lot of different Servers but always the same. The Ping to the Servers I connect is between 15 and 90. Than i was trying to re-install ArmA III/ Mods / Steam / BE, but nothing happend. I was checking AV/Firewall, but after the same problem there. I didn´t find anything in other Forums that helps me. Also I start Steam and ArmA as Administrator and i clear the gamecache. I upgrade also win8 to win10 but every time the role assignment is blank.