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Posts posted by freethemong

  1. Encountered an issue that has stumped me. Installed VAS on my mission, install was very easy and worked fine. The next day however my VAS menu doesn't display any text on the buttons. But the lists are still populated. I decided to try a fresh install on a brand new mission and I am getting the same results. 

    Has anyone encountered this problem?



    #include "VAS\menu.hpp"
    class CfgFunctions
    #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp"
    author = "Bill";
    onLoadName = "OP: Dirty Man";
    onLoadMission = "A Project hosted by Bill.";
    loadScreen = "loadscreen.paa";
    respawn = BASE;
    respawnDelay = 5;

    ammobox1 initialization :

    this addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"];

    Did i miss something?



    Edit: Found a post on armaholic with my same issue here is a screenshot of the issue: image

