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About HitAndFun

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  1. Hi, got some problems here, hoping someone would kindly help me out. I've placed couple empty fortification objects, empty vehicles and military structures in 2d editor, but I can't fill my base with AIs. I've thought of creating a zone covering my base and spawn some fortification type AIs through MCC, but couldn't get them to man the towers, HQ and other guard posts. Any solutions or guides are very appreciated.
  2. When getting killed, black screen with "respawning now" pops up. after 2-3 seconds, spectator mode!
  3. Hi, I'm having troubles with the multirespawn module. I've placed a marker named "respawn_west" and placed the module inside the editor. Still doesn't get "respawned" when getting killed. Checked the wiki and other posts, saying some kind of scripts or ACE3 might work... Honestly, I prefer using Alive modules but... Anyway, any help would be appreciated. ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWNBUILDING_%FACTION% Do I just paste it in the marker as name of do I need to change it to something? Placed Only "respawn=3" in description.exp. Any altering? Thanks
  4. Same side? How about something more like a... allies? I would want NATO and AAF team up against CSAT. NATO controlled by Invasion OPCOM and AAF by Occupation OPCOM. CSAT being the Asymmetric OPCOM. Making a total of 3 OPCOMs here. I've checked out the demo mission: Triple Threat, there are three OPCOMs, although NATO, AAF and CSAT are all hostile against each others.
  5. Thanks for the speedy reply serjames. Um so, how far will Any units patrol then? If placed Any placement modules? Most importantly, custom placement modules don't require any TAOR then? Below are other questions that's been bothering me for a long long time, couldn't find the answer anywhere. Hopefully you guys could kinda help me out, thanks. 1. What's the difference between "synced units" and "editor placed units" under "Virtual AI System Module"? Heard of changing it when placing a "CQB Module" in the tutorial videos. 2. Is it possible to add more than one OPCOMs controlling different groups of AIs on the same side? Like I would want my team A to be controlled by "invasion type of OPCOM" and my other teams controlled by "occupation type of OPCOMs". 3. What happens if I place "occupation type OPCOM" and synced to any "placement modules" but not any other opposing "placements modules". will it just patrol the area and even get reinforced if attacked by enemies? (also synced with LOGCOM too, of course) 4. Would it be possible to place "player combat support CAS" on USS Nimitz (the mod) with fighters using the catapult? Maybe landing back on the ship? What about choppers? Definitely would work if I place it on the deck, I hope. But what about returning to base (in this case, the ship's deck), will it land on where it took off? I know there are a lot of questions, and maybe even more in the future, but Alive is amazing, just want to get the most out of it! Peace
  6. Hi, I'm confused, there's no "TAOR Marker" under "Military Placement (Custom Obj)". Although I found "If no recognisable objectives exist on the map, you can place a Custom Military Objective module inside the marker instead." in Alive's Wiki. Does that literately means that all I've to do is placing a custom placement module within a marker and it'll do all the magics? Another thing is, TAOR, read the Alive's Wiki for quite some times, still don't get it. Why would units wander Outside of the marker, shouldn't they be patrolling Inside the marker? Thanks.
  7. No, in fact, the chopper dropped right on top of the sandbags causing a huge explosion and even sometimes blow up the "high steel building (forgot the name of it)".
  8. Hi, just a quick question, if it has already been answered, please let me know where I can check it out, thanks. So, I've updated my Arma 3 to v1.50 now. After I placed the "required module" and "virtual AI module", I then placed a "military placement module" with marker in grid 128166. Here's the problem, whenever I select to spawn "air units", one chopper would always get blown up due to not spawning at the helipad (12832.5 16735.5). Instead, it spawns at a weird location (12804.9 16711.1). The mods that I'm using right now are the "CBA" and "Alive". CBA was downloaded from Armaholic and Alive was downloaded from alive.com I just wasn't too sure if this was a bug or not...