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Posts posted by Sgt.Spunkmeyer

  1. You need to add a new dialog in DESCRIPTION.EXT.


    Something like this:

    In description.ext:

    class ImperialTxt {
    	type = CT_STATIC;
    	idc = -1;
    	style = ST_LEFT;
    	x = 0.0;
    	y = 0.0;
    	w = 0.3;
    	h = 0.03;
    	sizeEx = 0.023;
    	colorBackground[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75};
    	colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
    	font = "Zeppelin32";
    	text = "";
    #include "ImperialDialogs\ImpDiags.hpp" // making reference to ImpDiags.hpp in ImperialDialogs Directory.

    Make a directory called "ImperialDialogs" and make a file inside called "ImpDiags.hpp".

    Open ImpDiags.hpp and put this:


    class ImpDiag1 {
    	onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['ImpDiag1', _this select 0]";
    	class controls {
    		class ImpDiag1: ImperialTxt {
    			text="Halt!. You're in a Resctricted Area managed by the Galactic Empire!";
    			x=0.35;y=0.14; // position for the text
    			w=0.4;h=0.2; // size
    			sizeEx = 0.039; // Size

    Now make a call in your mission or just make a trigger in your editor to check it adding this line in "On ACT":


    10 cutRsc ["ImpDiag1","PLAIN",1]; // Shows the text on the screen in the pre-designated position.

    The text will show ...and end.



  2. Download BI Tools 2.5.1


    • Oxygen 2 Personal Edition for Arma II - model editing and animation package
    • Visitor 3 Personal Edition for Arma II - terrain and map editing
    • TexView 2 - texture convertor and viewer
    • BinPBO Personal Edition - packer-unpacker.
    • Sound Tools - sound and lipsync utilities
    • FSM Editor - tool to edit and compile fsms used in Arma 2
    • BinMake - conversion tool
    • Tools Drive - main working directory for tools with mandatory data files
    • FontToTga - utility to create fonts for Arma 2



    • Like 1

  3. Your PC is right for Arma 2/OA.

    Check your EXPANSIONS window in the main menu of the game. Sometimes those kind of problems are inside that option because of the installation.


    1) Arma 2

    2) Arma 2 OA


    Executing first Arma 2 and later Arma 2 OA. Or try to execute from Steam using "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead".

    I don't know why but these problems exist.

    Are they 2 different games or did your purchashed the "Combined Operations"?


    Btw i have the same OS like you: Windows 7 x64 SP1.

  4. What do you mean?. Changing the loading image when you're loading a mission?.

    Make a "description.ext" and add inside:


    loadScreen = "picDirectory\myPic.paa";


    Previously you need to create an image called "MyPic" with the extension .paa (ArmA format).

    Later, your mission will load using that image you chose.

    Try to use "TextView 2" program to convert pictures to .paa format:

    BI Tools 2.5 Download.

    * Make sure the proper size 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024...


  5. It should work aswell.

    The radio Trigger manages this action: " null = [grpOne] execVM "script.sqf"; " in On Act. So try to add more radio triggers for every group:

    "null = [grpTwo] execVM "script.sqf";"


    Then script.sqf:

    _group = _this select 0;
    player addAction ["orderToMoveAI", "AIscript.sqf", _group];

    And then AIscript.sqf:


    _grp = _this select 3; // Group
    _end = false; // Variable
    // Action
    moving = {
    _pos = [_this select 0, _this select 1,_this select 2];
    _gridpos = mapgridposition _pos;
    point1 = _grp addwaypoint [position [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], 0]]; // the previous mark on map
    point1 setwaypointtype "Move";
    	openMap [false, false];
    	TitleText format ["The Group is moving to grid:  %1.", _gridpos];
    	_end = true;
    // Choosing where to move
    TitleText "Click on the map to set where you want the group to move.";
    if(!(visibleMap)) then
    openMap [true, false];
    onMapSingleClick '[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _pos select 2] call moving';
    waitUntil {_end || !(visibleMap)};
    onMapSingleClick "";


  6. Weyland-Yutani is always looking for new players who love Arma 2 like me. I got Arma 3 aswell but i'm still playing Arma 2 because A3 isn't filling me so well like i thought.

    So , if you are Spanish or whatever and you like to play Coop mode and a bit futuristic missions (but not mods) call me or test our mission in our public server: A classic domination in Takistan, enhanced by Weyland-Yutani's Technology and more surprises added.


    Or even you wish to contact with me or join the military role you can use this link below:

    Contact us or Enlist now. Don't play alone Arma 2!


    Thank you.


  7. What are you trying to do?

    Maybe trying to make GroupOne to move?. How did you create the group? . Via script or Trigger?:



    GroupOne = CreateGroup west;
    lead1 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_TL_EP1", getpos player, [], 2 "NONE"];
    sold2 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_AR_EP1", getpos player, [], 2 "FORM"];
    sold3 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_AR_EP1", getpos player, [], 2 "FORM"];
    sold4 = GroupOne createUnit ["US_Soldier_AR_EP1", getpos player, [], 2, "FORM"];
    lead1 = leader GroupOne;
    lead1 setRank "Sargeant";
    lead1 setSkill 1; // smart guy
    GroupOne setformation "Column";

    And now what else you want?. To order them to move some point?.

    Just use your:

    act1 = PLAYER addaction ["orderToMoveAI", "AIscript.sqf"] ;  \\ player addaction.


    Then AIscript:

    _end = false; // Variable
    // Action
    moving = {
    _pos = [_this select 0, _this select 1,_this select 2];
    point1 = GroupOne addwaypoint [position [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], 0]]; // the previous mark on map
    point1 setwaypointtype "Move";
    	openMap [false, false];
    	TitleText [ format["GroupOne is moving to position."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	_end = true;
    // Choosing where to move
    TitleText "Click on the map to set where you want GroupOne to move.";
    if(!(visibleMap)) then
    openMap [true, false];
    onMapSingleClick '[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _pos select 2] call moving';
    waitUntil {_end || !(visibleMap)};
    onMapSingleClick "";

    GroupOne should be moving to the selected waypoint.


