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Everything posted by Sgt.Spunkmeyer

  1. 1) REPEATABLE 2) ANYBODY 3) Condition: this && (!alive VillageSoldier1 || !alive VillageSoldier2 || !alive VillageSoldier3 || !alive VillageSoldier4) 4) On Act: script or Command here.
  2. Maybe this could help. Not tested, only done on the fly: 1) Condition: Local player && player in VehicleNameLITTLEBIRD 2) On Act: n = [] execVM "Safe.sqf"; 3) REPEATABLE When Safe.sqf is: _Player = _this select 0; _LittleBird = _this select 1; While {vehicle player != player} do { if (vehicle player == player) exitwith {}; // Exiting the script when get out from the vehicle to avoid an possible eternal While... _LittleBird setdamage ((getdammage _LittleBird) - 1); sleep 0.5; // little pause for a refresh While }; if (true) exitWith {}; // END OF SCRIPT
  3. I agree with them: Flag: Flag setflagtexture "picture\Weyland-Yutani.paa"; Object: Script version: Object setObjectTexture [0, "picture\Weyland-Yutani.paa"]; // 0 or 1 for the object side. Object setObjectTexture [1, "picture\Weyland-Yutani.paa"]; Editor Version editing mission.sqm: THIS setObjectTexture [0, ""picture\Weyland_Yutani_m.paa""];
  4. Si existe algun jugador de Arma 2 CO que desee contactar con otros españoles y pasar buenos ratos enviad mensaje privado por Steam: -Spunkmeyer- o al email gratuito: WeylandYutaniArma2@hotmail.com. * Tenemos servidor propio junto con mision propia en constante evolucion de tema futuro cercano. Nos gusta la diversion. Thanks.
  5. Hola, Davt. Intentaremos conectarnos mas a menudo, aun a pesar de nuestros quehaceres. Saludos.
  6. I don't understand you easily. But : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/onPlayerDisconnected
  7. I used this same method to make a fake sound source. He means something like this: /* A simulated strange sound when the player is NOT the player. So player must be inside a vehicle as the driver. When he gets in the vehicle "aVehicleName" a Sound will play in loop until he gets out. "aVehicleName" is the name of a strange and medium damaged vehicle. Ex: Car1, Car2, ChopperX2,... */ if (!local player) exitwith {}; if (vehicle player != player) then { StrangeSound ="HeliHempty" createvehicleLocal position player; Strange attachTo [player, [0, 0, 0.2]]; WaitUntil { driver aVehicleName == player; sleep 0.1; if (vehicle player == player) exitwith {DeleteVehicle StrangeSound}; }; // Being the driver in the vehicle while (driver aVehicleName == player) do { HintSilent "You're hearing a Strange Sound in the motor."; sleep 5; StrangeSound SAY "StrangeSoundInVehicle"; // "StrangeSoundinVehicle" should be added previously to the mission in Description.ext }; // Strange sound must be 5 secons duration. Sure, you can change this aswell... 10 seconds sound ==> "sleep 10;" // That Sound will keep playing until player is not the driver. deletevehicle StrangeSound; // Deleting the object which was being used to play a sound when player was the driver. }; // If ENDS HERE if (true) exitwith {Hint "You don't hear that sound now}; // Message to confirm the End of the Script That could be an example. Sure it has little mistakes but It was just a quick idea but keeps the essence. I hope it helps you to understand the concept.
  8. Si aun no lo has arreglado intenta instalar Batteye manualmente: https://www.battleye.com/downloads/ Ese error me suena a algo relacionado con que tu copia de Windows no es original...
  9. Sgt.Spunkmeyer

    Freez Arma 2 for medium PC

    and -SkipIntro (No intro Screen). But your PC is quite powerful for this game. You don't really need anything to use A2. I also play A2 CO on my another computer: Laptop i3-3110M / 4 GB Ram / Geforce GT 820M. So you're are above that. Maybe the problem is under ... Wind..owns :D
  10. Sgt.Spunkmeyer

    Can't Play Arma 2 Multiplayer

    Sure, it is. The game already has an update for Steam to 1.63. So you can find every server online using the classic finder.
  11. Sgt.Spunkmeyer

    Light sources

    Question: 1. Want those lights to be seen in MP or... 2. are they only for a single-player mission? My Answer for yours: Attaching #lightpoints to bullets on a MP mission can be the worst idea to improve the lag. They need to become global to let other clients see them, so you need to use MP Framework or an AddPublicEventHandler + PublicVariable for each light. That could be disastrous. A PublicVariable Spam in a server could give you a large bunch of desyncs.
  12. You simply could use the Schatten's script...: YourOwnVehicles = []; onPlayerDisconnected " {_x spawn {deleteVehicle _this}} forEach YourOwnVehicles; YourOwnVehicles = []; "; "YourOwnVehicle" addPublicVariableEventHandler { YourOwnVehicles set [count YourOwnVehicles, YourOwnVehicle]; YourOwnVehicle = nil; }; And using a Trigger in the .sqf of the object ("AnotherItem" in this case) to make possible its elimination, just after the object creation line: AnotherItemTrig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; AnotherItemTrig setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false]; AnotherItemTrig setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "present", false]; AnotherItemTrig setTriggerStatements ["!alive Player", "hint ""Player died and this object should be deleted now.""; deletevehicle AnotherItemTrig; deletevehicle AnotherItem", ""]; (Hint part could be erased. It's only for a debug) All this should work like: 1) Player disconnects and reset the player like a dead body. 2) Trigger detects the player and start deleting the trigger and the object. * Add a trigger in every .sqf of every object.
  13. I think there is a problem with add scoring in Dedicated. So you can try adding PV EH in server using a Trigger to make it global, and cleaning that command in "Init.sqf." Ex: //Trigger on Editor [Once, Present] // CONDITION : EMPTY! // ON ACT: "Paddscore" addPublicVariableEventHandler {((_this select 1) select 0) addScore ((_this select 1) select 1)}; Now it should really work.
  14. All: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sideChat driver vehicle player sideChat "sideChat"; driver vehicle player globalChat "globalChat"; driver vehicle player groupChat "groupChat"; vehicle player vehicleChat "vehicleChat"; driver vehicle player commandChat "commandChat"; driver vehicle player customChat [1, "customChat"]; systemChat "systemChat"; But they need to modify to get them in MP.
  15. * System Chat: Grey Colour (Local). Actually not used. It's not a great message: SystemChat "Bla bla bla";.... // Ex 1 SystemChat format ["Welcome, %1.",name player]; // Ex 2 * GlobalChat: Light Blue (Global) Everyone in the server can read this message (Opfor, Blufor, Civilian, Resistance, Rabbits, EVERYBODY) [player,nil,rGLOBALCHAT,"Starwars Galaxies rocks"] call RE; // ex 1 [player, nil, rGLOBALCHAT, format["got killed by «%1»",name _killer]] call RE; // ex 2 * SideChat: Blue Color (Side channel). Everyboy on your same faction will see this message. [[West,"HQ"],nil,rSIDECHAT,"Don't die great heroes!"] call RE; // Ex 1 [[west,"HQ"],nil,rSIDECHAT,format ["You all are our heroes! And %1 is the best!", name player]] call RE; // Ex 2 * CommandChat (Yellow chat for commanders. Side channel) * TitleText : Text in the middle of the screen (or below). TitleText is local but you can make it global using: [nil, nil, rTITLETEXT, "StarWars Galaxies rocks!" , "PLAIN", 0] call RE; // ex Text in the MIDDLE _message = "That which does not kill us makes us stronger. (Friedrich Nietzsche)"; [nil, nil, rTITLETEXT, _message , "PLAIN DOWN", 0] call RE; // ex Text DOWN // Example 3: _badPlayer = CursorTarget; _spm = format["You're being a gadfly, %1.", name _badPlayer]; [nil, nil, rTITLETEXT, _spm , "PLAIN", 5] call RE; I don't know if i miss some.
  16. Do you mean GLOBAL CHANNEL or SIDE CHANNEL? * Global is for everything connected. * Side is just for its own faction.
  17. You must be wrong. I put you a global message using side chat channel (blue chat). That white channel you say it's spatial channel. It's simply a local msg which is only read by players close the sender.
  18. But if you wish try : [nil, nil, rTITLETEXT, "That wasn't an enemy HQ." , "PLAIN", 0] call RE; // Text on the middle of the screen (GLOBAL) OR : [_BLUFOR,nil,rSIDECHAT,"That wasn't an enemy HQ."] call RE; // Global Chat (SIDE version) INSTEAD OF : [nil,_BLUFOR,"loc",rHINT,"That wasn't an enemy HQ."] call RE; // Hint for local player who destroyes I 'd prefer to delete that part because that's not pretty useful: }; // END OF SCRIPT INSTEAD OF : } else { [nil,_BLUFOR,"loc",rHINT,"That wasn't an enemy HQ."] call RE; }; // END OF SCRIPT
  19. Hint is a kind of message. Global chat is another kind. By the way i said that message "That wasn't an enemy HQ." was only for a debug. You 'd prefer not to have this message every time someone destroyes a vehicle...
  20. That message is by destroying a NON MHQ vehicle. It's strange. it worked for me. I put some OPFOR mhq at the left side and BLUFOR at the right. Maybe you should try destroy another unit. There are 3 ways : 1. Enemy MHQ destroyed (points) 2. Same side destroyed (lose points) 3. That wasn't a MHQ. (No points)
  21. Updated the script to gain or lose points by kill. *** Updated the sample mission.
  22. I knew those names from WEST side but not the EAST. If you can provide me the EAST side names i could make you the exact script for both sides. By the way i 'd prefer this first kind of script. So you could change the kind of HQ if you wish customize your HQs and it's working better.