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Everything posted by JoeyT700

  1. Okay, bear with me I'm new to all this. First off I have received permission from an author to edit his equipment mod, mostly I just want to tweak armor values and carrying capacity of vests helmets and bags to get them closer to the vanilla values. So I stumbled my way through it using PBOmanager v.1.4Beta to Extract PBO, arma tools to change config BIN to CPP, and edit armor values with Dash SQF editor, everything seems fine. change CPP back to BIN repack into PBO using File bank in arma tools, place all in my addon folder, and start game.... ALL CUSTOM TEXTURES GONE. The equipment names and such show in arsenal and I can equip them but they are invisible. I'm at a loss, I don't understand why all the textures are being lost when all I'm changing is the armor rating. Hopefully someone out there is shaking his head right now laughing and saying "look at this guy" and willing to help. The custom equipment that uses vanilla textures work great and are still in game. I can change the values all I want no problem. anyways ANY help would be greatly appreciated, if you need any additional info please just ask. Example:
  2. JoeyT700

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Basically I'm looking for a decent sized yacht or tanker, doesn't need to move or anything just need to be able to walk around on it without falling through. I checked most of the ones on Armaholic with no success they are either too small glitchy or the download is gone. so I'm hoping someone has something out there that works .
  3. JoeyT700

    Textures Disappearing? HELP!!

    this is the error I'm getting, I am starting to wonder if maybe I'm making the pack wrong, DEFINITELY doing the pack back into PBO wrong today I just extracted the PBO, changed the Config BIN over to CPP, changed absolutely nothing, turned that same CPP back into BIN and packed all the files back into a PBO and ended up with the same results. Now my ignorance has been shown, Can you guys break this all down Barney style?
  4. JoeyT700

    Textures Disappearing? HELP!!

    First of all, thank you for your response I was starting to think that no one was going to even try to help me. I'm sure I haven't renamed anything, the textures work great in the original (I checked in texview to be sure), the paths look correct. sadly I haven't made any progress even with tons of attempts. Can I ask what programs you prefer for this kind of project? and would you happen to know of a good tutorial? like I said before this is all pretty new to me and at this point I'm sure it's 100% operator error.
  5. JoeyT700

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Mostly the armor rating is too high, I play with a fairly small group of guys and we found with a TFA plate carrier you can take quite a few direct hits with minimal injuries (one guy got tore into by a BMP and didn't even go down). a few of the other guys think that the bags carrying capacity needs to be adjusted in relation to the size of bag. however all that said, I haven't found any other mods this gorgeous and I love the custom 5.11 bags and the quality of the uniforms.
  6. JoeyT700

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    I absolutely love this mod! I was hoping to get into contact with you about adjusting the ratings of the armor and load capacity, unfortunately it makes the game a little too unbalanced. you can add me on steam and PM me if you want, I'd even be willing to figure out the adjustments myself if you allow and don't want to deal with it. thanks for your time and keep up the great work!