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Posts posted by RedStan

  1. This was a problem with some previous versions. I've not experienced this with v1.43.

    Most likely this will fix problem.

    In init.sqf starting at line 174 remove these lines of code.

            private "_va_preload";
            _va_preload = false;
            _va_preload = ["Preload"] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
            waitUntil {_va_preload};

    If that does not work I suggest dissabling intro.

    The required edit for this is covered in post #282.


    Thank youuuuuuuu Jigsor !

    We doesn't have this problem anymore :)

    We just have to enjoy this great mission !

  2. Thx for your answer.


    1. BMR_Insurgency_v1_43.smd_sahrani_a3

    2. @ace3;@allinarmaterrainpack;@arc_patches;@arc_us_up;@arc_usmc_up;@arc_usn_up;@asdg_jm;@asdg_jr;@blastcore_a3;@blastcore-tracers;@cba_a3;@dar_mtvr;@mcc_sandbox_a3;@nato_russian_sf_weapons;@smd_a3;

    With or without mod => Same problem

    3. Mission is full origin


    The mission work good for the first who is connected on the server, others have the black screen with the message "synchronising done".

  3. Hi everyone,


    First thanks to BMR insurgency creators, it's a really great mission !!

    Before asking, I prefer say that I've read all pages of this topic, and a lot of anothers in internet, but I don't have an answer at this moment...


    I've a dedicated server who's running with smd.sahrani mission.

    The fact is that when my friends are joining me in the server they are stucked on black screen.

    They don't have the Intro, they can perfectly hear ingame, shoot or move but => Black screen.


    I've tried a lot of tips that I've see in internet but the problem is still here.


    I'm a little bit discouraged for searching and searching during days without answer...


    Anyone can help us ?


    Thanks for your help



    PS : sorry for my bad english
