I am a user attempting to run this program for the first time. I am on Windows 10, running the most recent Java release, 8.60.
I am unable to get the program to load an any capacity. I have attempted different compatibility settings to no avail.
I receive the following error when running the .bat as Admin.
ArmA3Sync Installed version = 1.4.63
DevMode = false
JRE installed version = 1.8.0_60
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at fr.soe.a3s.ui.mainEditor.MainPanel.<init>(MainPanel.java:129)
at fr.soe.a3s.main.ArmA3Sync.start(ArmA3Sync.java:182)
at fr.soe.a3s.main.ArmA3Sync.main(ArmA3Sync.java:55)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.awt.SunToolkit.getImageFromHash(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.SunToolkit.getImage(Unknown Source)
at fr.soe.a3s.ui.UIConstants.<clinit>(UIConstants.java:88)
... 3 more
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