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Everything posted by 5C4R556

  1. 5C4R556

    Brothers of Altis

  2. I was messing around in the Virtual Arsenal and was looking at the Prowler and found out you can take the doors off. I was wondering how to implement the doors off in game. I tried exporting to clipboard and pasting into the Prowler unit init but no joy. I am also in the middle of making my own faction and tried to put a custom texture on the Prowler but again no joy. Here is what I have so far... config.cpp:
  3. 5C4R556

    Call of Duty WW II

    I for one am looking forward to COD WWII. I'm deciding whether to preorder it or not. Not quite sure on that front. I haven't played COD since World at War came out so I don't care if its all the same gameplay and yada yada since its been so long. I think it will be a great game and I can't wait for NOV 3!!!
  4. I'm having a similar problem with the UI icon. What I have so far works great in the Virtual Arsenal world but in the editor the icon is a no show in the UI. My character is wearing my custom uniform but the UI icon is not showing in the inventory menu. I switched to the default UI multicam icon for simplicity's sake but still no joy. Here is my code as is: Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: I believe after looking at everything that its not the uniform that is bugged but something to do with the weapons. I get this error in the editor: I'm not sure what to do about it. I tried putting my weapons back to default "throw","put" but no effect. It makes sense that it has something to do with the weapons as no weapons show up in my uniform when I have grenades equipped in the editor. I figured it out! Took me a while but I finally figured it out. I had to switch the class names to be opposites of each other. For example: Hope that helps you OP! Damn that was tricky.
  5. 5C4R556

    You've played to much Arma when:

    When you open your closet door and imagine the virtual arsenal.
  6. Arma is very CPU intensive. More so than GPU. If you're really tight on cash go with the i3-6100. If you can afford it go with an i5. The i3-6100 is a good little chip. If you decide to go with the i3-6100 you will probably have to turn view distance down and some of the graphic's properties as well. I recommend an i5 though with a dedicated graphic card.
  7. February 2017 Update Response Force Alpha Entering the new year Response Force Alpha is continuing to answer the call to strike swiftly and effectively against the enemies of NATO. With custom missions every Sunday at 1400 hours EST Response Force Alpha is continuing its mission as being first, fast and final! We are currently rebuilding our ranks after some of our members decided to depart and form a new unit. However, that hasn’t stopped RFA from meeting every Sunday and enjoying what Arma III has to offer. Now is the perfect time to join Response Force Alpha. By joining today you have the opportunity to select what role you would like to play. Our roles are the following: Team Leader: For those with experience and the ambition to take control and lead the way. You must be able to handle pressure and effectively coordinate your team through intense situations. Scout: An experienced rifleman with the ability to navigate all types of terrain and relay what path to take for the Team Leader. The Scout must also possess good radio communication skills. Autorifleman: An important role. Being the Autorifleman you are responsible for laying down fire to support an advance or tactical withdraw in a heated firefight. Medic: Taking care of the unit is what you do best. The Medic must possess the skills to keep calm in a firefight and assist those that are injured in a safe and tactical manner. Sapper: Blowing things up and disarming explosives is your M.O.. The Sapper must be able to use and defuse all sorts of explosives. He is often called to inspect suspicious materials in case of an improvised explosive device. Marksmen: Your rifle is your greatest ally. The Marksmen will often work with the Team Leader to suppress and neutralize the opposing force through careful aim. Understanding how optics work is essential to the Marksmen and must be understood before becoming the Marksmen. Joining Response Force Alpha is easy but becoming a full member takes effort. We ask that you be 30 years old to apply. We may waive the age restriction if you display the attitude and maturity of an older player. We currently have two operators that are under the age of 30 so don’t feel discouraged if you are under 30 years old. If you have any questions feel free to PM me at any time. Please allow 48 hours for me to respond.
  8. 5C4R556

    USA election 2016

    I voted for Hillary but I think Trump is doing a good job. He is doing what he promised and there have only been two problems; the Muslim ban and former secretary Flynn. The Muslim ban is understandable and I think once he tweaks it it will be back in effect throughout the country. He's already done more in his first few weeks than most presidents do an entire term. I remember when Obama took office. Everybody was calling him a Communist and talking about his birth certificate. Who cares? The whole Communist thing was a bunch of white dudes pissed off at a black president. At least that's how I saw it. Give Trump a chance. Yeah, he says stupid things but he means well.
  9. I'm just glad there will be more DLC for Arma III. I'd rather have DLC, wait a little bit, catch it on sale, than buying a whole new game and then wait for mods to populate. With mods you don't even need the DLC but I'll buy it on sale to support BI. There will be an Arma IV. That's inevitable and I'll buy it. But I'd rather BI milk Arma III some more before making us buy a whole new game.
  10. Hello! I'm a 28 year old from the States playing on EST. After taking a long hiatus from ArmA I've decided to come back. I've been playing ArmA since ArmA II's release back in 2009 and am looking for a Mil-Sim unit to join. In the past I've had the bad luck of joining unstable units and having them dissolve so I'm looking for a unit that has firmly planted their roots to avoid another annoying closure of a unit. As far as Mil-Sim is concerned I'm looking for exactly that. A true Mil-Sim experience. I'm looking for advanced trainings and deployments, a chain of command, accurate ranking system, and a great group of guys that take the game seriously. Of course, I don't mind B/Sing and having a laugh also but I am looking for something a bit more serious. So if you think your unit is up to snuff, feel free to drop me a PM and I will get back to you! Thanks in advance!
  11. Squad Name: Task Force Titan Timezone/Location: EST, USA Gamemode Preference:Tactical Co-Op Contact Email: see website Website Address: http://www.taskforcetitan.com Short Description: ArmA III Tactical Co-Op Group Language: English ​
  12. Welcome to Task Force Titan! We are a unit simulating the roles of a U.S. Army Special Operations detachment. We work together as a team and make sure everyone comes back in one piece. As a member of Task Force Titan you will work cooperatively with others to insure the mission is a success. In order to do that we at Task Force Titan will run you through our training program where you will learn everything you need to know about working cooperatively in ArmA III. After training and meeting a minimum of four sessions you will become a full fledged member of Task Force Titan. We understand that real life comes first and as a full member you will be expected to make an appearance at least once a week, either on Wednesday at 7:00pm EST or Saturday at 1:00pm EST. If you feel like making a regular appearance that's fine too! We have members that are online during the day just waiting to get an unofficial operation started! Our operations work on a cycle format. There are times were for two to four weeks we will be conducting a training exercise and there are times were Task Force Titan will be deployed on mission. Both cycles are considered important and as a member you are expected to attend on a weekly basis whether or not its a training or operation cycle. This may sound serious but it is a necessity in forming an effective team. In closing, we here at Task Force Titan are glad you have taken interest in us. We are a group of friends who enjoy playing ArmA realistically. If you would like to know more about us you can reach us at our website at http://www.taskforcetitan.com/ and our TeamSpeak 3 at