Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.futarm_mt_config, JS_JC_FA18
I have done absolutely everything and cannot find any reference to these files anywhere except in the .sqm mission addons array. That's literally it. I have attempted to reinstall the mods with fresh downloads, and I have attempted to change the load order through my launch parameters. I use a shell script to start the server.
./arma3server -cfg="/$networkConfig" -config="$serverConfig" -mod="$mods"
I've been at this for two days and too many hours for it to be okay any more. Google has proved fruitless, as has a scouring of these forums.
EDIT: Ok, I've got this sorted out by editing the .sqm file and re-exporting the mission. However, when I try to launch the mission through mission select, it just kicks straight back to the mission select screen and the console says "Mission CV.Altis Read from Bank."