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About junky82

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  1. Hmmm ... i do not know why, but i just deleted the "if (is Server) then {}" part from my cam-script-template... and now it is playing the camera. This is now confirmed on server ... so one is executing the addaction, and we all see the sequence at the same time ;) i am so happy right now :D so this is my final INIT: intro = this addAction ["sqf converted...", { "script\opaintro.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM"];}]; cam-script: _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; showcinemaborder true; opa_1 switchmove "Acts_B_out2_briefing"; opa_1 removeaction intro; //camerascene 1 _camera camPrepareTarget [-75303.13,29256.81,5625.25]; _camera camPreparePos [23691.55,16276.09,2.44]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.324; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _camera camPrepareTarget [84408.05,-62884.46,-6862.32]; _camera camPreparePos [23692.37,16276.17,2.65]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.195; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; sleep 10; aheli1 hideobjectglobal false; aheli1 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli2 hideobjectglobal false; aheli2 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli3 hideobjectglobal false; aheli3 enablesimulationglobal true; playmusic "introbg_1"; //camerascene 2 _camera camPrepareTarget [122550.25,31165.10,2120.64]; _camera camPreparePos [23688.01,16272.10,3.95]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.696; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _camera camPrepareTarget aheli2; _camera camPreparePos [23686.90,16279.11,5.23]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.033; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; sleep 10; titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 1]; sleep 4; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5]; i just don't know why the isServer made a problem, i can not explain that for me. But thanks for helping me that way, i learned a bit ;) Read you at the next lesson for me ... by junky PS: now i will edit my big camscript, and when i got a problem, i will let you know :lol:
  2. So i am back with a good and a bad news ... The script executes on the server, and my helis are flying. First time i saw that ;) This is the good one ... This is my init-line on my ai for now: this addAction ["sqf converted...", { "script\opaintro.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM"];}]; Before i will tell the problem, i will write down my thoughts, why did i do that code. There ar many examples within the link from sarogahtyp (and you are right with the "intro =") ... but number 1 worked with my first try (green will be copied example #1): this addAction ["sqf converted...", { "hello" remoteExec ["hint"];}]; So my opinion had been, "hello" is the thing i want to remoteexec, and "hint" is the ?function? (not sure if it is a function), "hello" will be executed with "hint". So i decided to write "script\opaintro.sqf" instead of "hello", and to execute a script i put "execVM" instead of "hint", just because i would normaly write: this execVM "script\opaintro.sqf"; This is not tested in multiplayer, just me on the server (without admin login) ... But now, i've got an other problem. The helis are flying, but my camera is not working ... so, like i edit in red at my previous post "DO NOT USE THIS ONE!!!CAMERA WONT WORK!!!" so i need to fix the camera, i think ... and i will do ;) Read you later, junky
  3. Good news, i converted the *.sqs file and it works ;) Here ist the init-line i used on my ai (just for local testing): this addAction ["sqf converted...", { player execVM "script\opaintro.sqf"}]; DO NOT USE THIS ONE!!!CAMERA WONT WORK IN MULTIPLAYER!!! And this is my new cam-script-template(free to use for everyone): if (isServer) then { _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; showcinemaborder true; opa_1 switchmove "Acts_B_out2_briefing"; opa_1 removeaction intro; //camerascene 1 _camera camPrepareTarget [-75303.13,29256.81,5625.25]; _camera camPreparePos [23691.55,16276.09,2.44]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.324; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _camera camPrepareTarget [84408.05,-62884.46,-6862.32]; _camera camPreparePos [23692.37,16276.17,2.65]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.195; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; sleep 10; aheli1 hideobjectglobal false; aheli1 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli2 hideobjectglobal false; aheli2 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli3 hideobjectglobal false; aheli3 enablesimulationglobal true; playmusic "introbg_1"; //camerascene 2 _camera camPrepareTarget [122550.25,31165.10,2120.64]; _camera camPreparePos [23688.01,16272.10,3.95]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.696; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _camera camPrepareTarget aheli2; _camera camPreparePos [23686.90,16279.11,5.23]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.033; _camera camCommitPrepared 10; sleep 10; titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 1]; sleep 4; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5]; } I just get an error with "intro". ArmA says that it is a non defined variable. I think i need to define it earlier, maybe in the init.sqf. But maybe i could use the "hideOnUse" parameter within the addaction line. But ... i've learned a bit, and i was wondering how i could use such an old template for years to create my ArmA 3 videos, and some ingame multiplayer sequences ;) Maybe i did not recognized, there is no sync. And "had to look twice at the name" means, that i had to read it backwards ;) ... So now i will step forward to the hard lesson ... thanks for the link again sarogahtyp ... now i will study that thing ;) And i am still hoping that Azza had an eye on this thread. Thanks so far boys. Read you later, junky
  4. Thanks for your replies, so i will wait for the code-examples from Azza. While i am waiting, i will convert my script to sqf like you both said. Thanks Sarogahtyp (had to look twice at the name ;) ) for the link to help converting. After that i will post my new cam-script-template, and maybe you can have a look at that. After that i will give "remoteexec" a try by myself. Maybe i am faster then Azza ... maybe not ;) And at least, i was wondering why everyone ist postin "execVM" and i need to use "exec" ... now i know. Read you later, junky
  5. Hey boys, i've got a real big problem (the perfect start for a scripting noob ;) ). I started creating a multiplayermission in the eden editor, and i got an AI with an addaction on it. So when all mods are synced, all the player will go to the AI and all can choose the addaction. But if one of them was clicking on it, the script should run for all players at the same time. But in my case, it is not just a script like healing or teleporting. This will be a camerascript. I tried a lot of things, and they worked for me, while testing in the editor, but they are not working in multiplayer on the server. They were running just for each player, and the helis are not flying, just standing there in spawnposition. And one more importend thing, before i post my scripts: When i add a .sqf file, i will get this error: "Preprocess failed with error - Invalid file name(empty filename)" Just when i change to .sqs the script will run in editor. Init's of my AI called Opa_1: (all examples worked in Editor, but not in MP) example 1: if (isServer) then { intro = this addAction ["Legen wir los.", {Opa_1 exec "script\opaintro.sqf";}, nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 6"];} example 2: if (isserver) then {[[Opa_1, ["Legen wir los ...","script\opaintro.sqs"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;} example 3: {Opa_1 addAction ["Legen wir los ...","script\opaintro.sqs"];} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_call", 0]; opaintro.sqs/.sqf (i just changed the filename for example 1): ? ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) : goto "del" _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] showcinemaborder true; opa_1 switchmove "Acts_B_out2_briefing"; opa_1 removeaction intro; ;comment "20:01:58"; _camera camPrepareTarget [-75303.13,29256.81,5625.25]; _camera camPreparePos [23691.55,16276.09,2.44]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.324; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ;comment "20:02:27"; _camera camPrepareTarget [84408.05,-62884.46,-6862.32]; _camera camPreparePos [23692.37,16276.17,2.65]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.195; _camera camCommitPrepared 10 ~10 aheli1 hideobjectglobal false; aheli1 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli2 hideobjectglobal false; aheli2 enablesimulationglobal true; aheli3 hideobjectglobal false; aheli3 enablesimulationglobal true; playmusic "introbg_1"; ;comment "20:19:05"; _camera camPrepareTarget [122550.25,31165.10,2120.64]; _camera camPreparePos [23688.01,16272.10,3.95]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.696; _camera camCommitPrepared 0 ;comment "20:19:56"; _camera camPrepareTarget aheli2; _camera camPreparePos [23686.90,16279.11,5.23]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.033; _camera camCommitPrepared 10 ~10 titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 1] ~ 4 player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera ? ((paramsArray select 0) == 0) : goto "end" titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5] #end exit So the srcipt will execute for the player who hits the addaction, but not for all at the other players (but thats what i want). And the helicopters just will show up for the player which hits addaction. This opaintro-script is the short one for testing. I've got a bigger one, just with more camera positions an more switchmoves an playmusic. If needed, i am able to create a link for the missionto download, but i am using mods on this. I hope they are not important for the solution. So please tell me, it's just a simple thing. And please explain your solution. This trial an error took about 8 hour's right now, and i am going crazy on that, because it is not working on the server.
  6. #offtopic some people asked me, to do a trailer for there clan ... for money ... i denied! ... but when i love things ;) #ontopic since the alpha version of arma 3, i am searching for the dance animation. now ... we all got it ... but thats not all. thanks indeedpete for your work ... now, i will go on to do some cinematic stuff. like MJ said "i love you all" EDIT: in case of dancebattle ... NIKOS IS MY FAVOURIT ;)
  7. Hello everyone, its me, junky82 ;) You know armaholic? ... So i just scrolled a bit, and you know what ... i found this mod. I love animations, and i love to create ingame-scenes ... so I LOVE INDEEDPETE ... but dont tell my girlfriend ;) And when i like things .. I DO TRAILERS ... SO ... here is my trailer for this mod. I just hope, Indeedpete is using this trailer for his mod. If not, i hope you enjoyed it ;) here we go