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About sawboss

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  1. sawboss

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    I sometimes get this 3fps thing when holding in right mouse button to zoom, also usually when flying.
  2. sawboss

    New update - 1.48 - Experience? FPS loss

    Hi all, myself and players on our Epoch server are getting their characters glitching and twitching, half in the ground and semi invisible, half the model skin separating and such. We are also getting really severe fps drops to around 5 - 7 frames. The fps drops render the game totally unplayable for the duration of the drop, even on decent rigs, i myself get around 50-60 fps normally.... (nightmare if you're flying when it strikes) the duration of fps drop being anywhere from a minute or two to forcing a relog and try verifying game files on steam. Have had a quick search and cant find a single post, reply or even an acknowledgment from BIS yet on this, it affecting lots of people yet some seem to be totally fine :( Sawboss