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About auroraah

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  1. Tis perfect tyvm :)
  2. Thanks for that, knew it could be done more simply! The for-from-to-loop is absolutely perfect for what I need too :D Through trial and error I'd found the thing with it always spawning the same gun, that was the reason for wanting the loop.
  3. Sorry if this has been posted before but I've not been able to find exactly what I mean (maybe I'm just being a noob, not maybe, I am being a noob) I've got a script running that defines the array "weapon" as a random selection of weapons. gun = ["srifle_EBR_DMS_F","srifle_GM6_LRPS_F"," srifle_LRR_LRPS_F","LMG_Mk200_MRCO_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; This is defined in my Init.sqf I've then added a crate and given it the variable name CASE1. The next line in the init is this: CASE1 addWeaponCargo [gun,1]; This spawns one of weapons defined by gun at random. What I want to be able to do is add something to the effect the code below into the init file of the actual case, instead of having to name all of my cases and load it from the init.sqf. this addWeaponCargo [gun,1]; Additionally I'd like to run the command a few times without just pasting it on 3 lines for example. I tried the forEach command but I'm puzzled by it. Please excuse me as I imagine this is an extremely easy thing to do, just v new to this :D Thanks in advance!
  4. That fixed it, thank you very much! Glad it was me doing something silly, easy fix :)
  5. http://www.mediafire.com/download/uko45w1bowhtit5/cTab+Problems.rar I've included the RPT file from my test, and the mission file for both the editor and the actual file. I produced this in the editor and in a single player scenario. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LcUFBJzwtg
  6. I'm having issues with this mod, wondering if anybody can help me. The helmet camera isn't working. I have the Tablet, I've given another unit the headcam and one of the correct helmets, yet it's not working. The part of the screen where the feed should appear is blank. This is what it shows: http://puu.sh/iSMww/bf7450f924.jpg