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Everything posted by platypus257

  1. platypus257

    Tasks help

    Hello I already searched the forms but i couldnt find anything related to it. So my problem is that when i create 2 separate tasks and assign both to the same group only one of them will be there, but i already tried and both of them will be assigned if one of the other isnt, I even tried assigning the task later in the game but that would't work either. So I was wondering if something isn't working or if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks in advance.:)
  2. platypus257


    ok thank you thats what i needed
  3. platypus257


    Hello I wanted to put in some of my own units and vehicles in the mission. I used the cfg thing the guy put in at the bottom but i dont know where to put the file. i dont understand where because when i put it in the Warlord's folder the mod updates and its gone. Its right what i put in but where do i put it exactly?:confused: