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Everything posted by maxvil

  1. @Shay_Gman Works fine thank you very much, Only the hint in your code is wrong. The . (dot) has to be before the " (quotation mark)
  2. thanks shay_gman but it don't works with the changed code. I get these Error Messages: Error in expression <,west] spawn MCC_fnc_createIED;sleep 10;while (alive (_this getvariable ["realIe> Error position: <while (alive (_this getvariable ["realIe> Error while: Typ Bool, erwartet code I have put a Barrel on the Map and named it test, the Text "Hold to Disarm" already shown but in the Interaction Menu is no entry "Bomb Defuse"
  3. thanks shay_gman but the code you have posted dont work for me. I have changed the code because the " (qoutes) at the End of the hint messages are missing. This is the code i have used: _null = 0 spawn {[this,"medium",0,60,true,0,30,west] spawn MCC_fnc_createIED; sleep 10; while (alive (this getvariable ["realIed",objNull])) do {sleep 1};hint "IED has been disarmed/explode."}; If i Write it in an Init field of an Object an error pops up if the server starts. Error in expression <_null = 0 spawn {[this,"medium",0,60,true,0,30,west] spawn> Error position: <this,"medium",0,60,true,0,30,west] spawn> Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: this Error in expression <_fnc_createIED; sleep 10; while (alive (this getvariable ["realIed",objNull])) d> Error position: <this getvariable ["realIed",objNull])) d> Error while: Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: this
  4. i get no true or false for the variable "armed". Could you tell me what i schould write in the Condition Field of a trigger? thanks
  5. thanks yes the vehicle is not alive after it has exploded. I've been testing with some triggers right now. I proof to check the variable.
  6. Hello, in my new Mission i want to put some IED (with the new Mini Game) into. Is it possible to create a trigger that show a hint if all IED´s are disarmed? I hope someone could help me.