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Everything posted by d3limit3r

  1. Try doing it this way instead getPlayerLoadout = call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "player\GetPlayerLoadout.sqf"; restorePlayerLoadout = call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "player\restorePlayerLoadout.sqf"; //From now on, you can call your function using player spawn getPlayerLoadout; Additionally, using preprocessFileLineNumbers will log the line number of any errors that do occur using those two functions.
  2. d3limit3r

    Scripting noob needs assistance!

    You can certainly do this with markers. You'd simply need to create an array of markers(similar to the array of positions) safeZones = [ "marker1", "marker2", "marker3" ]; and then modifying the count to check the distance from the player to the marker's position using getMarkerPos. if ({player distance getMarkerPos _x < safeZoneDistance} count safeZones > 0) then { //Do whatever you want to the projectile or player }; As far as event handlers go, I'd suggest reading through the list Event Handlers to see if there's perhaps a handler which would be better suited for the task. Event handlers can be added to object but I don't think the Fired event handler would be triggered by the explosive but would instead be triggered by the player. I'm unfortunately not familiar with Exile so I'm not sure what kind of explosive/explosions you are trying to protect from but if you'd like to go into further details, I may be able to come up with a better solution.
  3. d3limit3r

    Scripting noob needs assistance!

    You could do something like //A simple array of positions safeZones = [ [7719.89,1605.51,0.001434433], [7783.26,1642.77,0.00143433] ]; //An arbitrary distance safeZoneDistance = 25; //I would recommend using the fired event handler as it should trigger the moment a unit places an explosive (ofc triggers on weapon fire) player addEventHandler ["Fired", { if ({player distance _x < safeZoneDistance} count safeZones > 0) then { //delete the projectile and whatever else you want }; }];
  4. You might just be able to add something like this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; sleep 5; this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {true}]; to the unit's init.
  5. The one thing that I immediately notice is that you aren't specifying a unit for selectWeapon. The syntax for selectWeapon is unitName selectWeapon muzzleName; So you should be able to do something like { _sidearm = handgunWeapon _x; _x selectWeapon _sidearm; } forEach units group player; Additionally, you do not need to use the str command as handgunWeapon already returns a string.
  6. d3limit3r

    call function via variable

    You can/should declare your local variables such as _param and _function using the private command at the beginning of your SQF. private["_param","_function"];
  7. d3limit3r

    I need some scripting help!

    I'm unfortunately not quite sure I understand what you're trying to achieve here... When a vehicle is damaged, specific components/parts will be damaged depending on the damage. For example, if you shoot the a wheel on a car, that wheel will take damage. This damage can then be retrieved using getHit. If the vehicle has taken damage, you will then be able to repair the vehicle.
  8. Were you perhaps thinking of https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/showCommandingMenu and https://resources.bisimulations.com/wiki/Custom_Command_Menus ?
  9. As long as you can reliably access the path to the pbo, it shouldn't be an issue.
  10. The first example on the wiki indicates that you can do this _objectname setObjectTexture [0, "\pboname\texture.paa"];
  11. Have you tried using BIS_fnc_respawnTickets?
  12. Since feature #69249 was added, headlights in both daytime and night time have become incredibly bright (to the point of effectively blinding players even during the middle of the day). It would be great if the brightness could be toned done a bit.