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Posts posted by misakagong

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNPxsj19RBk


    Nice, thanks! Btw you could use a really good picture thumbnail.


    Btw will you go over configuring Object builder?(first time launching it)



    Did you know that you can go in steam library select tools and select arma 3 tools

    that gives you whole package?


    Will you go over P drive?What about Mikero tools?


    Is this older tutorial as I see you are saying Oxygen instead of Object builder?


    You got a lot questions here hh.  :wacko: I will try to set a new picture thembnail for this series.


    And I don't think I need to talk about the Object builder (But I will talk about Addonbuilder - setting and packing something like that).


    I know I can select arma3 tools and it will give me the hole package if you pay attention to my video maybe you are able to see that I had a P drive  ^_^


    And I am not sure what do you mean by go over P drive. Because these series of videos, I just want to make it more likely to the basic. 


    I don't know if there are new functions in the object builder. But I decide to finish this tutorial in Oxygen 2. (I will try to use that)

  2. Hi everyone! :D  I am planning that to make a series of video to explain the basic of modding of ARMA3.


    In fact when I was learning to make mod, there is really limited info whatever on WIKI or Youtube. So I decide to make a whole series of videos base on my own knowledge to explain the mod making. 


    Here comes my first tutorial for  [ Introduction to Oxygen 2 & Import ] part.   :rolleyes:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNPxsj19RBk


    In the future, I will try to cut the all mod making steps into apart so that you guys can easier to understand. 




    Future Plans & Contents (This content maybe change in the future :blink: )


    1. Introduction to Oxygen 2 & Import


    2. Scaling weapon size/position (In Oxygen 2) & Texturing model (Only *_CO texture)


    3. Making advance texture (In Photoshop & *_smdi, *_as and *_nohq texture)


    4. Making shadow model, physical model and memory point of weapon (In Oxygen 2)


    5. config.cpp (In Notepad ++)


    6. model.cfg (In Notepad ++) 


    And we are done! :D 


    Hoping that more people can enjoy a totally different ARMA3, not only spend the whole day to kill people in SANDBOX but also enjoy making your own weapon mods for ARMA3  :lol: .






    • Like 1

  3. Hi, everyone. This is my first time making addon for arma3. And right now I have made a HK416 assault rifle.


    Not perfect work as you guys can see....but I do need help with the reload problem.  :(  Here is the short vedio: https://youtu.be/zQIUBNguqGE


    As you can see when the mag was took out and there was no problem with that. But when it was starting to insert the mags, there was nothing there until the animation finished then the mag just pop out from nowhere. 


    And here is my code for model.cfg. Is there any step I missed?

    class CfgSkeletons
    	class Default
    		isDiscrete = 1;
    		skeletonInherit = "";
    		skeletonBones[] = {};
    	class HK416 : Default
    			"trigger",		"", /// not in this model, but good to use
    			"bolt",			"",
    			"bolt_catch",	"",
    			"magazine",		"",
    			"safety",		"",
    			"muzzleFlash",	"",
    			"OP",			"",
    			"ForeSight",	"",
    			"BackSight",	""
    class CfgModels
    	class Default
    		htMin = 1;		// Minimum half-cooling time (in seconds)
    		htMax = 600;	// Maximum half-cooling time (in seconds)
    		afMax = 0;		// Maximum temperature in case the model is alive (in celsius)
    		mfMax = 0;		// Maximum temperature when the model is moving (in celsius)
    		mFact = 1;		// Metabolism factor - number from interval <0, 1> (0 - metabolism has no influence, 1 - metabolism has full influence (no other temperature source will be considered)).
    		tBody = 100;	 // Metabolism temperature of the model (in celsius)
    		skeletonName = "HK416";
    	class HK416 : Default
                    sectionsInherit = "";
    		sections[] = {"zasleh","muzzleFlash","Camo"};
    		class Animations
    			class trigger /// not in this model, but good to use
    				type = "rotation";
    				source = "reload";
    				sourceAddress = "clamp";
    				selection = "trigger";
    				axis = "trigger_axis";
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = "1";
    				angle0 = "0";
    				angle1 = "rad -30";
    			class bolt
    				type = "translation";
    				source = "reload";
    				sourceAddress = clamp;
    				selection = "bolt";
    				axis = "bolt_axis";
    				minValue = 0.5;
    				maxValue = 1;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = 0.3;
    			class bolt_2: bolt
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 0.5;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = 0.7;
    			class bolt_empty: bolt{
    				source = "isEmptyNoReload";
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 1;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = 1;
    			class bolt_reload_move_1: bolt_empty {
    				source="reloadMagazine";	// z: should work like that only if weapon is empty
    			class bolt_reload_move_2: bolt_reload_move_1 {
    				source="reloadMagazine";	// z: should work like that only if weapon is empty
    				offset1 = -1;
    			class bolt_catch: bolt {
    				selection = "bolt_catch";
    				axis = "bolt_catch_axis";
    			class bolt_catch_2: bolt_2 {
    				selection = "bolt_catch";
    				axis = "bolt_catch_axis";
    			class bolt_catch_empty: bolt_empty {
    				selection = "bolt_catch";
    				axis = "bolt_catch_axis";
    			class bolt_catch_reload_move_1: bolt_reload_move_1 {
    				selection = "bolt_catch";
    				axis = "bolt_catch_axis";
    			class bolt_catch_reload_move_2: bolt_reload_move_2 {
    				selection = "bolt_catch";
    				axis = "bolt_catch_axis";
    	    class magazine_hide
                    unhideValue = 0.550;
                class no_magazine
                    unhideValue = -1.0;
                class magazine_reload_move_1
                    type = "translation";
                    source = "reloadMagazine";
                    selection = "magazine";
                    axis = "magazine_axis";
                    minValue = 0.145;
                    maxValue = 0.170;
                    offset0 = 0.0;
                    offset1 = 0.5;
                class magazine_reload_move_2: magazine_reload_move_1
                    minValue = 0.573;
                    maxValue = 0.602;
                    offset0 = 0.0;
                    offset1 = -0.5;
    			class muzzleFlashROT
    				source="ammoRandom";      //use ammo count as phase for animation
    				sourceAddress="loop";     //loop when phase out of bounds
    				selection="muzzleFlash";  //selection we want to rotate
    				axis="";                  //no own axis - center of rotation is computed from selection
    				centerFirstVertex=true;   //use first vertex of selection as center of rotation
    				maxValue=4;               //rotation angle will be 360/4 = 90 degrees
    				angle0="rad 0";
    				angle1="rad 360";
    			class OP_ROT
    				source="zeroing2";    // use second muzzle zeroing for rotation
    				sourceAddress="loop"; // loop when phase out of bounds
    				selection="OP";       // selection we want to rotate
    				axis="OP_axis";       // has its own axis
    				angle0="rad 0";
    				angle1="rad 65";
    			class BackSight_optic
    				angle1=(rad 70);
    			class ForeSight_optic: BackSight_optic
    				angle1=(rad 70);