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About hiddenseek

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  1. Hello everyone, Old veteran community leader of Uncut Gaming (uncutgaming.com) and owner of a 512 teamspeak server looking for some people to play Arma III with. It's not as fun when you play alone, and you get ganged up by squads of experienced players. I recently bought arma III because I loved playing DayZ on Arma II OA, so I figured Arma III would only be better. Now all I need is some training, and some friends to play it with ;) I can not play at vast times. Sometimes I play during the night, the morning, the evening, the afternoon. Due to my majorly fked up sleeping pattern, and my girlfriend living with me in a small house, this also means voice chat is limited to when my girlfriend is awake. As mentioned, I have a website/teamspeak ready for us to use, but if you already have that, I am very willing to switch over! Let me know if there is anyone out there interested in having me/joining me! A bit about myself: Name: Hiddenseek Age: 22 Country: Norway Citizenship: Netherlands Marital Status: Engaged Experience: Played DayZ on arma 2 for many many months. No experience on arma III what so ever. Experience leading: I led Uncut Gaming for many years, in it's prime time with over 100 active members.