this is my first mod i am working :D
Guys, i have a model with a working with. He is not finished but i want to test in-game.
I start working with mods a few days, i create a simple model.cfg and config.cpp file. But when a try to open my object the message "cannot load object amazonas.p3d".
And in arma 3 rpt "ModParams - Undefined or empty mod directory".
class CfgPatches
class Amazonas_F
units[] = {"Amazonas_OZ"};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion[] = {};
requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgVehicles
class Air;
class Plane : Air {};
class Amazonas_OZ : Plane{
scope = 2;
scopeCurator = 2;
displayName = "C105 Amazonas";
model = "amazonas.p3d";
side = 3; /// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas
faction = CIV_F; /// defines the faction inside of the side
class CfgSkeletons
class Default
isDiscrete = 1;
skeletonInherit = "";
skeletonBones[] = {};
class Vehicle : Default{};
class Plane : Vehicle{};
class amazonasSkeleto
skeletonInherit = "Plane";
skeletonBones[] = {
class CfgModels
class Default
sections[] = {};
skeletonName = "";
class Vehicle: Default {};
class Plane : Vehicle {};
class amazonas : Plane
sections[] =
O2 Print of my model:
i miss something required to work?