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Everything posted by simpson317

  1. Looking for a Altis Life dev who can quickly get a server up for us. We already have a completed map (and a mapper) and also a skinner. Please add me on steam (Simpson317) if interested.
  2. Ok, so I've made a map (in the eden editor) for the new altis life server we're launching. When our head dev puts the map onto the server though, some of the objects are floating and not straight. It's really annoying as I've spent many hours making sure everything is straight/level. Is there anyway of fixing this?
  3. simpson317

    Unable to launch Arma

    This is what it says in event viewer at the time of crash. I'm not sure how you want me to send the .rpt files?
  4. simpson317

    Unable to launch Arma

    I've tried doing these steps, but its still not working. Can you please look further into this for me? I've seen a few other people posting on steam about this problem.
  5. simpson317

    Unable to launch Arma

    My arma crashes: I join a server, select a slot, then i get this error I've tried verifying my arma, restarting etc everything. It looks likes its broken. Anyone have a fix for this? It's extremely annoying. Exit code: 0x000000FF / 255 Reason: unknown
  6. simpson317

    Squad XMLs Broke ?

    How do i post a new thread?