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About kobeshow

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  1. Yes, I read your post in that other thread and I totally agree, would be awesome. Make the "buffer zone" adjustable aswell and we should be golden.
  2. I have been fiddling around with the deadzone recently, since I liked it in Arma2, but can't come to satisfying results in Arma 3, no matter what I try. I think the issue lies in different sensitivitys for deadzone and turning with the mouse, and I think its not the fact that sensitivity gets reduced when you "hit the edge of the box", but that aiming within the deadzone has drastically increased mouse sensitivity. This essentially prevents me from finding settings that are to my liking because if I crank it up so I can turn fast, aiming becomes uncontrollably fast, but if I turn it down so that I can precisely aim, my turn rate becomes so slow I need to wipe my mouse all over the desk. Ever since weapon inertia was added I hoped BI would revisit the deadzone design, since it feels more like real inertia if your view is steady and you only "swing your weapon around", gives a nice handling "feel" of the weapon, I realized that apparently they did not think about that (baffling to me). I had the same hopes for the release of Marksmen DLC, because enhancement of weapon handling was announced, but again they did not pay attention it seems.