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About Soul4Ever

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  1. Yes the nose of the boat was touching the beach, and I am certain this inst related to Zen Framework because it happens with moveInDriver as well. Odd fact if you disembark into the water then drive the boat till its beached then disembark it doesn't shoot you into the air.
  2. Thanks for the update Zen. A quick question about boat insertions, I get to where I want to go and select get out, and my character flies up into the air! Lol... maybe I should just stick to helo's for now. Not sure if this bug is framework related, scripting in general related, or just a plain ArmA 3 bug? Has anyone else encountered this?
  3. Hmm, I will look up some info on them and see what I can pick up, thanks.
  4. Thanks for the replies! And I must apologize I totally missed the rest of the MoveInVehicle documentation, here the answer was right in front my eyes all along so sorry for that! Thanks for pointing it out Zen. I'll do better to make sure I read the documentation better next time. As far as including an if statement I don't really feel that comfortable with being able to code an entire mission myself yet. Certainly this framework or at least the basics of it I can handle so far. But, I'll keep at it and I am sure at some point I'll be ready to venture into more unstable waters again.
  5. Thanks for the quick reply! Sorry I am still very new to this so I am sure I will be back for more advice, and I will try your suggestions out in the mean time. And your right about their being a lot of options, I am trying to stick with a boat insertion and a helo extraction for this mission tho. The group will clear their LZ in a future version. Correct me if I am wrong, the little bird has room for 6 just by looking at the model? Quick question, if I use the wiki method would I need to change the MoveInVehicle function to count unit 2,3, and 4 only if 1 is going to be the driver. so something like this? _A11 moveInDriver _AlphaBoat; 0 = [[_A12, _A13, _A14], _AlphaBoat] call Zen_MoveInVehicle; yes that code worked great thanks for the link monkey! the code you posted looks a little advanced for my skill set as of yet lol
  6. I made my first mission for any Arma title ever with your framework! I've always been curious about coding a mission and always felt the editor lacked the documentation needed to effectively manipulate the units. Thanks to you tho, I now consider myself a scripting noob! hehe... Well anyways time to put away my dumb humor and say thanks to you for providing this wonderful tool/documentation for the community to use and learn with, I am really loving it! On to my question, I have a four player(and/or)AI unit being inserted by boat using your MoveInVehicle function. I have placed the boat as empty in the editor, and then used your function to teleport the group into it where they can then move to where they want to go. As my mission is currently scripted everything runs flawlessly except for one minor detail. When my group is moved into the boat they all fill passenger slots but not the driver(adding a fifth squad member doesn't work he gets left behind), this is fine for singleplayer just get out and back in as the driver. But, for MP I don't think many people would like to put up with that. I have used the spawnboat function and the spawncrew function as well, I like them and have plans to use them but for adaptability and reaction I'd like the players boat to be controlled by the player or players input lets insert here to hit this first etc... Is it possible to use your framework or any code for that matter to move the group into the boat and make one of them the driver? Thats the mission, the group is on Xiros at the start of the mission, the boat is down by Jay Cove. Thanks for any advice! On any part of my script not just the boat question!