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About silente13

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. silente13

    Spawn vehicle script

    My only problem is that i dont know how can i set the variable s_1010... Any idea?
  2. silente13

    Spawn vehicle script

    @larrow i try to do that, but same problem....
  3. silente13

    Spawn vehicle script

    It work, but if i delete the vehicle and i try to spawn it, it says me that it exist...
  4. silente13

    Spawn vehicle script

    Ok thanks, i'll try :D
  5. silente13

    Spawn vehicle script

    I just want that if someone use that action, and he is a blufor, and the car do not exist, it say a message, else if the car doesn't exist spawn a car...
  6. silente13

    Spawn vehicle script

    Is this ok? #include <macro.h> _fnc_timedHint = { params ["_hint","_time"]; hint _hint; sleep _time; hint ""; }; if !(playerSide == west) exitWith {hintSilent "Non sei un agente di polizia!";}; if(__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 1) then { if (isnull s_1010) then { macchina = macchina - [s_1010]; life_vehicles = life_vehicles - [s_1010]; publicVariable "macchina"; publicVariable "s_1010" }; if (s_1010 in macchina) exitWith {hint "Una 10-10 è gia di pattuglia!";}; sleep 1; ["",3] spawn _fnc_timedHint; s_1010 = "C_Offroad_01_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "cop_spawnt_1"; s_1010 setVariable ["tf_hasRadio", true, true]; s_1010 setVariable ["TF_RadioType", "tf_rt1523g", true]; life_vehicles = life_vehicles + [s_1010]; macchina = macchina + [s_1010]; publicVariable "macchina"; publicVariable "s_1010"; };
  7. Hello guys i'm trying to spawn a vehicle by a script, scroll the mouse on the NPC, that he has: this addAction["Spawn","spawn.sqf"]; If i try to spawn just a simple vehicle i can do it. But i want that if the vehicle is already exist it say me a message... spawn.sqf is this: #include <macro.h> _fnc_timedHint = { params ["_hint","_time"]; hint _hint; sleep _time; hint ""; }; if !(playerSide == west) exitWith {hintSilent "Non sei un agente di polizia!";}; if(__GETC__(life_coplevel) == 1) then { if (isnull s_1010) then { macchina = macchina - [s_1010]; life_vehicles = life_vehicles - [s_1010]; publicVariable "macchina"; publicVariable "s_1010" }; if (s_1010 in macchina) exitWith {hint "Una 10-10 è gia di pattuglia!";}; sleep 1; spawn _fnc_timedHint; s_1010 = "C_Offroad_01_F" createVehicle getMarkerPos "cop_spawnt_1"; s_1010 setVariable ["tf_hasRadio", true, true]; s_1010 setVariable ["TF_RadioType", "tf_rt1523g", true]; life_vehicles = life_vehicles + [s_1010]; macchina = macchina + [s_1010]; publicVariable "macchina"; publicVariable "s_1010"; }; This is right? Because when i do it, nothing happen...
  8. Hello guys! I'm trying to editing the map Kelley's island, this is my first time that i try to do this. So i change the things i would change but, for export it i have a error, i mean i export the file in kel.wrp. So i go to PboProject then i select all files, put in Arma3 engine, then when i press "Crunch" i have: "Kelleysisland\kel.wrp failed to open". How can i do for resolve it?
  9. Hello guys, i have a big problem... I mean, in Altis the database work fine but if i change map, with same files (except mission.sqs) the database doesn't work. It's like the database doesn't read the player are in. I'm usigin extDB2. Is it possible?
  10. If i load first @jeep then @life_server, read only @jeep and not @life_server... And if i put @life_server after @extDB2, the server dosen't read @life_server, but just @extDB2.
  11. Hello guys, my server can read only one mod of the parametres of mod. fn_parms(){ parms="-netlog -ip=${ip} -port=${port} -cfg=${networkcfgfullpath} -config=${servercfgfullpath} -mod=${mods} -servermod=${servermods} -bepath=${bepath} -autoinit -loadmissiontomemory" } mods="@life_server;@jeep" servermods="@extDB2" The server read only life_server, and not jeep... I try with @life_server\, same thing... P.S I'm in debian 7.
  12. silente13

    Arma 3 Server MOD [Linux]

    Already done, same problem... I try to modify the parametres, same error.. I really don't know what can i do...
  13. silente13

    Arma 3 Server MOD [Linux]

    I know how setup the other files, my problem are that the server don't read the mod...
  14. silente13

    Arma 3 Server MOD [Linux]

    What are the differences between mod and servermod?
  15. silente13

    Arma 3 Server MOD [Linux]

    So i try with $ and not @, 'right? Edit: I tried it with $, same...