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About mati256

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  1. Hello. Maybe someone can help me here. I have seen that in the FT17 PBO file there is a cammo skin that could be used for a project I'm working on, but I can't change the skin of any of the FT variants. Could someone help me out? Thanks!
  2. Thank you. I thought this was going to be easy with the code right there, but apparently no. I will read about event handlers in the weekend then.
  3. There is this interesting piece of code in the wiki to "Repair all members of a group to such a level that they are able to stand up". But I don't know where I should put this code for it to work, could someone point me in the right direction? Also, what should I change or add so this code won't work on the player? Thanks. { while {!canStand _x && alive _x} do { _x setDamage (damage _x - 0.01); }; } forEach units group unitname;
  4. mati256

    Help whit while loop

    Thank you! This pointed me in the right direction and now it's working as intended.
  5. Hello. I'm creating a mission where the player has to get a Weapon, Helmet and chestrig from some crates. I'm just starting so I'm only checking for primary weapons. This is the code I have so far and it's not working. If I'm getting this right, when wep = 2, then tsk1complete = TRUE and my task will be completed. Is that so? Thanks! Primawep = primaryWeapon player; wep = 1; //Will change when the character has a weapon hel = 1; rig = 1; while {wep < 1} do { if (Primawep == "arifle_Mk20_F") then { wep = wep + 1; // Only the weapons on the list are available for the player }; if (Primawep == "LMG_Mk200_F") then { wep = wep + 1; }; if (Primawep == "arifle_Mk20C_F") then { wep = wep + 1; }; if (Primawep == "arifle_Mk20_GL_F") then { wep = wep + 1; }; if (Primawep == "hgun_PDW2000_F") then { wep = wep + 1; }; if (Primawep == "srifle_EBR_F") then { wep = wep + 1; }; }; if (wep > 1) then { tsk1complete = TRUE; }; This bit of code was working when I was checking only for a specific gun. _Primawep = primaryWeapon player; if (_Primawep == "LMG_Mk200_F") then { tsk1complete = TRUE; }; And of course, If you have a simpler way of doing this, let me know!