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Posts posted by Stuh217

  1. Hi, i have low knowledge about pc configs and all others things to increase my fps by changing settings, video cards settings and so on. And want to ask if somone could help and give some pointers becous my arma 3 run so bad its impossible to play :( but friends of mine can play ok , but have less pc than me.

    What would be my best settings ingame what i could use, visible range, objects so on.

    And what is best start up parametrs , becous thos i just take and coppy from forum but dont kow if its even work for my rig lol.

    My Rig:

    GPU Geforce GTX 770 lightning

    CPU AMD FX(fm)-9370 eith-core processor

    Memory 16gb ram(15,90gb usable)

    Resolution 1920x1080, 60Hz

    Operation system Windows 8.1

    I hope somone could help. My avarage fps is 15-20 somtimes 25 from mornings but not for long. Its no playable :(

    I have an AMD FX-6300, and GTX 960 with all the same specs as you and I can run it pretty well, with 40-50 FPS. I have my view distance (I think...) at about 1800. Make sure your "Overall" isn't too high either, because that will murder your FPS. All the other settings are at standard. I have clouds on low, because quite frankly I don't care about the clouds (and if it gets foggy and you have clouds at high you will get bogged down in performance very quickly). I know plenty of people want to play with the best graphics, but for most AMD users it's going to be a compromise. Which do you want more? Great graphics and crappy gameplay, or just regular graphics with great gameplay? I choose the latter. Hope that helps.

  2. Ok, my question is rather simple, but I couldn't find a previous thread detailing my particular issue. My apologizes if it exists...

    When I'm playing a singleplayer scenario (specifically WLA: Amalgamation) I notice that jets, both enemy AI and friendly AI, always tend to fly somewhat low, and go in circles around targets I know they can see. I'm also very confident they aren't out of ammunition in these instances. Example:

    I'll be traveling, either on foot or in a vehicle, across open ground and a squad member points out a jet. I see it and just watch as it circles me. Even as I'm moving, it's pretty clear it's following me. Only rarely do they disappear, to come back using its cannons, but then the circling continues. Bombs and missiles are never used, whether against me or other AI targets. I think I've seen rockets engaged only a handful of times.

    After watching this happen countless times, and eventually just going about business as usual even when a jet comes by, I started to get the idea the reason examples like the above are occurring is because 1. they fly far too low and 2. they simply don't approach from a far enough distance to engage in a threatening manner.

    So what's going on? Am I delusional? Is there a way to fix this? Are they doing something crucial that I'm not aware of? Is there an AI mod that changes this? I've been using several addon jets, but the result is the same whether they are addon or vanilla. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, because I would like jets to be actually threatening to me on occasion...

  3. You stated that you can change only the motherboard, so what help do you expect? You will have from little to much less performance in almost(or every game) compared to a similar priced core i3.

    Even at 1km view distance, an overclocked FX provides poor perofrmance. Have fun to use 50% of your graphic cards power in ArmA 3!

    A better answer? You could have tried to explain your reasoning, offer suggestions, tips for improving performance (however minimally), been generally more informative, and less meaninglessly blunt about three posts ago.

  4. If I put this in the wrong section, please move it.

    I'm going to start playing ArmA 3 within the next week or two, and I've been checking out mods and I'm pretty excited about what appears to be a very diverse modding community that's supported quite a bit. My question is:

    What mods/add-ons do you suggest I get?

    I'm looking specifically for popular mods, as well as what you personally would consider "underrated" mods/add-ons. Altis Life is at the top of my list right now from what little I know of it, but aside from it I am aware of very few. I also know from past experience with other games that there can be some really poor quality mods, and I would like to avoid those.

    Disclaimer: I have good experience with ArmA 2, if that means anything.

  5. Hello everyone. I'm new and I was wondering how well I would be able to run ArmA 3 with the following:

    AMD FX-6300

    Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (if I overclock I assume this would matter more)

    EVGA GeForce GTX 960

    2 sticks of RAM, each 4 Gb

    Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P

    This will be a completed build within a week or two, and as of this writing the only thing I can alter is the motherboard. As for the CPU, do you suggest I overclock, or should it be good as is? The FX-6300 is 3.5 GHz, 6 core (for those who don't know). Thank you.
