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Posts posted by ryandombrowsky

  1. Quote

    Another gltich spotted: Reanimated zombies seem to do the climbing ladder animation and freeze in it when they die. Also, reanimated zombies don't seem to move and attack.

    Never heard of that before. Are you using other mods? And did you use the "force add uniform" option or not?



    Now I have a quick question, I know I can blanket change a demons max health using the module, but is there a way to do it dynamically for 1 particular demon?

    Basically to make a "boss" demon that's tougher to kill than the others? 

    Just manually use "this setdamage 0.5" to the one demon a few seconds after the mission has begun. 0.5 is the same as what a module uses for stronger I think. You can lower it and make them even stronger but they won't be covered in blood unless you also use "this sethit ["body",0.5];" or something.

    • Like 1

  2. Finally time to update. Hope there's no new bugs.






    - ACE damage issue fixed. Zombies will assault unconscious units until they're mashed potatoes - unless ACE revive is enabled.
    - Deletion and spawner activation issue fixed.
    - Waypoint module is now working as intended.
    - Headshots only feature added (optional, off by default).
    - Zombies aren't temporarily invincible while jumping now, but still won't take fall damage.
    - Fixed a potential freezing zombies bug if using certain AI behaviour mods.
    - A few extra module options, and complete rebuild of the zombie code to help improve efficiency and performance.
    - RZ_fnc_zombie_onDeath_exec - a new function allowing users to add their own code if they wish to add events upon zombie deaths (such as extra points, notifications, et cetera).


    1 hour ago, spanishsurfer said:

    Working on a SP mission using your mod. Question on the Zombies, they're not reacting to gun fire, only line of sight. Any ideas why I'm having this issue?

    Weird, using any other mods?

    • Like 8

  3. On 05/04/2017 at 6:04 AM, doc. caliban said:

    Roaming: Is it possible to enable this per-hoard instead of globally?


    I'd love to have most roam, but small groups in buildings stay put.


    Or alternately, be able to set a max roaming radius. 

    Thanks for the mod!



    Not possible at the moment, sorry. During the mission you could try setting the roaming variable (Ryanzombieslogicroam & Ryanzombieslogicroamdemon) to nil, and then back to 1 to re-enable it later on. But it will effect every zombie on the map when doing so.


    11 hours ago, Maxwell(friendly) said:

    Hey guys I made a tutorial for the Zombies and Demons mod for anyone who needs help using it, hope it helps :D

    Nice video! Should help a lot of people. :) Just wanna let you know, there's no point in changing the placement radius on the modules, it won't do anything (except mess with the waypoint location as you noticed). :P Also, with the deletion module, the way you set that is by changing the "delete zombies radius" option (it's set to 1000m by default) - not the placement radius. Let's say you set it to 500, and Blufor not present. This will make any zombie who is more than 500m away from a Blufor unit delete. Other than that, thanks for making the tutorial, appreciate it! :D

  4. 13 hours ago, logan83 said:

    Thanks ryandombrowsky but, i have to explain my self better :), in the mission,  im doing scene, where meet with your friend, but he is in the floor, he has bitten but still as a human you help him and in a exact moment he become in a zombie, need to be a transformation (need to be the same guy with the same clothes and inventory), thank you again for answe the question. :) 

    Okay, make sure you place an infection module and set the chance to 100%. You will also need a resurrection module to make him come back as a zombie. Try using this code to infect the civilian after those modules are placed:

    if (man getvariable ["ryanzombiesinfected",0] == 0) then {[Man, EAST] execVM "\ryanzombies\infected.sqf";};
    sleep 0.5;
    Man setVariable ["ryanzombiesinfected",0.9,true];};

    Man is the name of the civilian, EAST is the side the zombie will be on when he resurrects, and the 0.9 value means he'll be 90% infected. When he dies depends on how you set the infection rate. You can adjust all these to suit what you need.

    • Like 1


    On 09/03/2017 at 0:55 PM, anfo said:

    Apologies if this subject has already been posted. Does anybody consider a minimum spawn radius worthwhile? I've found myself defending against zombies in a fort, only to have them appear under our feet. Having a minimum spawn distance as well as the current maximum spawn distance would be quite handy?

    That's a good idea and could work well with spawners attached to players too. Will consider this!


    On 12/03/2017 at 7:17 PM, cyclone83 said:

    Ryan, your mod turned out really nicely by now. So much appreciated. Thanks a thousand times for such an awesome mod! If I may contribute a tiny hint: How about adding an alternative animation for the walker zombie, maybe with his arms typically streched forward. Also seeing the ArmA 2 civilians as zombies would add a lot (thinking of the priest i.e.).

    Would be cool but our animator is working full time now and she doesn't have time unfortunately. :(


    On 13/03/2017 at 11:03 AM, damsous said:

    Hi i try to edit a mission with this mod but i don't know how to use the deletion module its like that delete the spawner, so if im going in a town with a spawner inside the town i just need to go away and come back and there no zombies, there is a way to make the spawner not deleted by the delete module or respawn the spawner ?

    Deletion module just deletes each individual zombie if it gets too far from the selected side. The spawn module should still work when you go back.


    On 17/03/2017 at 1:43 AM, rekkless said:

    Hey guys can anyone tell me is there a way to make the Zombie spawner modules work more than once?

    I'm building an in house zombie sandbox for my clan and while the spawners work wonderfully as the players move out of an area the zombies are set to despawn to save on server load. But when players re enter the area the spawnner doesn't re-spawn the zombies. The zombie spawners seem to be only a one time thing.



    Is there a way to make the spawners work multiple times, or more importantly retrigger after players have left the area and re enter?

    No, they can't do at the moment, sorry. I have done it before in old missions though. Perhaps I'll try incorporate it into the mod.


    On 18/03/2017 at 5:21 AM, RagingBoneR said:

    Please help im totally stuck in this scenario making thingy.
    All of a sudden im getting these messages, and i realised that the zombies are barely damaging players or AI.
    I changed the difficulty, but i dont know how to get rid of this horrible and annoying msg. Im trying to record gameplay but like this i cant.
    Please help

    Have you got -showscripterrors on the startup parameters? Remove that if you do and I don't think the error will show then. Otherwise, we're still working on fixing this.


    On 26/03/2017 at 0:19 AM, logan83 said:

    I love this mod, actually i want to infect a alive civilian via script, to simulate a bitten guy has tranformed, but i havent idea how can do this thing, can anyone help?


    Sorry about my english :(

    Enable civilian attacks and use the infection module.


    Made another silly storyless video of zombie action :P


    • Like 2

  6. Dear Devs, do you think for the next version you could put in an option to disable the zombie faces (to just use vanilla faces) I'm using Zombies and Demons with Exile and whenever the zombie dies the head/face flashes and flickers like it's changing the texture, it looks kind of bad like that, I wouldn't mind having regular faces if it improves this some, could you make just an option for it please?


    Edit: Or maybe I can do this already using _face, _facearray, _ngface, setface or something? I'll try it out.

    I've never noticed this myself but I'd say the cause is the glowing eyes. If the zombie has glowing eyes it'll change it's face to the non-glowing version when it dies. Keeping glowing eyes disabled should prevent it.


    emton, not a bad idea. Hopefully there's an easy way or script to figure out if the zombies path is blocked like that. If so we'll try include this.

  7. Hi, this isn't possible at the moment sorry. The settings/abilties effect all zombies. Although in future we may add an option allowing you to set abilities to specific zombie types, such as only allowing fast zombies to jump/throw cars, or make walkers have more health and runners have less, or whatever... We may add this in future.


    In the meantime we're doing an update to fix an annoying MP bug, and we also added a new face textue. :P





    - Fixed a multiplayer bug involving invisible units getting stuck inside vehicles.
    - Another face texture added.

    • Like 1

  8. Hi,


    Just a heads up, the dropbox link in the first post is broken.

    Cheers, should be fixed now. ;)



    Hey Ryan....i see a new Frankie Video, and i have a question....can you add in your RyanZombie Script the Dogs? (Zombie Dogs). TornZ2 is a Private Mod...

    Yeah go for it, if it works and if it's just for private use of course. ;)

  9. when i edit a spawners settings it should only affect the spawner i edited. however when i change the activation settings and place two spawners over 5km away from each other, when the player activates the first spawner, it activates both spawners spawning zombies at both spawners.

    Basically the activation zone of each spawner is 400m but both spawners are over 5km away yet both activate when blufor enter one of them. am i being stupid or is this a bug and this this the problem your having

    That is weird, it shouldn't do that and I've never seen that happen. Feel free to send me the mission.sqm if you like and I can check it out.

  10. We don't have any large scale spawning system right now, however that is something we should and probably will add in future. At the moment you'd have to place the spawner modules everywhere and set them to activate when Blufor (or whichever side you're playing as) is present. Kind of annoying, sorry. :P 

  11. Thanks sonsalt6!



    use CtrlADDeventhandler not SET.

    Thanks, that works. :) rogerio.sgarcia, let me know if there's still compatibility problems.



    Hi Ryan, I realize that you've said that there probably won't be more changes to the spawners, but I was wondering whether you would consider an addition to allow the recreation of completed triggers.

    They already re-create. If activation is set then those triggers are created again after each horde.



    Anyway here is a dropbox link for Z&D 4.5 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vb8rny723r5xsia/Zombies%20%26%20Demons%20V4.5.zip?dl=0

  12. The mod has been updated on the workshop. I'll upload a dropbox link later today when I finish work.


    What's new:
    - Exploding heads! You can now shoot and burst a zombies head! Needs a powerful gun by default but this can be customised in the "Settings" module.
    - Glowing eyes! Demons eyes glow by default and this feature can be adjusted in the settings module.
    - About 20 new extra civilian zombies for each type of zombie.
    - Extra sounds added for zombies and spider zombies.
    - A "Randomize Values" option has been added to the spawners.
    - Infected players now have a camera shake effect while coughing.
    - Zombies are less likely to attack empty vehicles after its target has left it.
    - Player-controlled zombies now have their own module with seperate values.
    - Many script improvements, some animation changes, and some minor multiplayer issues fixed.

    • Like 2


    Hello Ryan.
    I am a beginner in arma3 game (less than 1 month), but I love creating new missions in the editor, in addition to being a big fan of survival games and zombies.
    I'm trying to create a SP combining the Zombies and Demos and mod Ravage.
    Everything works very well, especially the interaction between the various groups of zombies. But one thing does not integrate: the infection module Z&D and the survival module Ravage. From the moment the survival module is added in the editor, it is impossible to consume the anti-infection pills. Is there any solution for this?



    That is weird. I'm gonna download Ravage and try it out. If I can find out why I'll try and fix it. ;)

    • Like 1

  14. Any chance I can get the update as I am testing the RC1.60 update at the mo and I am having trouble with the previous version as the zombies refuse to walk,

    they just stand there looking at me, they can hurt me still.

    Sorry for the late reply. It's the new limping feature that breaks their animations. PM me if you'd like a copy of the updated anims config to use before 1.60 if officially out.
