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Everything posted by ryandombrowsky

  1. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Awesome pics! :D Will do! Not sure what to look for though. I'm gonna start signing the addon myself anyway, probably for the next update and onwards. Never done it before but I'm sure I'll figure it out. If you use the "Roaming Enabled" game logic then when the zombies rise they'll use that. At the moment that logic just makes them move to a random position around them every 3-4 seconds. Pretty lazy but I might work on that game logic later on - such as make light sources, sounds, etc. change where they roam to. If there are any targets around though, zombies always go for them first.
  2. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Some awesome ideas there! I'll see what I can do but if so it'll be later on in future, in the mean time I wanna get the animation and skins done. I might release another update within the week or two... maybe. This is cause work has decided to become extra busy so progress on the mod will be a bit slower. I just need to finish a few spider zombie animations, and possibly an infection option so victims will turn into zombies. So far since 1.7 this has been done: -new animation for the medium zombies. -another walk animation (now 2 for variety) -creepy spider zombies -zombies now follow their targets inside multi-story buildings properly. They even climbing ladders if they have to. :o -zombie 1 & 3 duplicate fixed, new modules, script improvements and small errors fixed.
  3. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I'm going to add a module that lets you choose if zombies are deleted if Blufor (or whichever side you pick) is NOT present from the zombie within whatever radius you choose. This means you could add spawners across the whole island, set the alive limit to 50 or so, and make it activated by Blufor present. Then add a module to make those zombies deleted when Blufor isn't present. This means you can have zombies everywhere and always have good frame rate. Medium speed animations are done and looking nice. Also, zombies now properly follow their targets in multi-story buildings! They even climb ladders. :o The ghost hotel is much more fun now with these guys. Spider zombies are coming along well. Check out this creepy screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/6k6Rx1C.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yY34LZU.jpg To make them attack civilians, make a soldier on blufor, set his condition to this and his rank on full (or at least above the civilians) and make the civilians part of his group. Those civilians will be on Blufor side then and the soldier won't exist either (as his condition is 'this').
  4. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Added this to the spawner module - http://i.imgur.com/u52fi1G.jpg Works perfectly. Still working on animations, probably be a few weeks before next update.
  5. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I'll add this option to the spawner settings. It'll spawn only when BLUFOR or whichever side you choose is within the radius you choose, and spawning will pause if they're not present. It should be easy enough, I've done something similar before. ---------- Post added at 00:51 ---------- Previous post was at 00:47 ---------- No idea sorry. Any other mods you're running?
  6. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Play it now! :p Animations take a while to make and my partners university holidays finish next week. We'll still be working on it but it'll take a bit longer unfortunately. Will post some videos of new animations later.
  7. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Here's some spider zombie progress screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/E4uQdnL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Q26m7TK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/cvk4lMf.jpg I've fixed the loud zeus zombies. Just change "say" to "say3d". Will be in the next update. Done another walk animation, now there's two for more variety. Currently working on medium and fast animations, a demon idle, and also a more creepy looking zombie like free fall animation (for while their jumping).
  8. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    New animations are coming along slowly but good! The spider exorcist zombie is looking great. They look so creepy and it's actually pretty scary when they're running at you on all four limbs. We've also started a medium speed zombie animation which is looking good. Done another walk animation (now there's 2 for more variety). Will post some videos of some of this progress later on. I tried zombies on combat mode, it makes them worse. There may be some settings in config that might stop this which I'll check out for the next update.
  9. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yeah, what PhonicStudios wrote above. I made it into an addon within ryanruger77.pbo (didn't include this in the latest zombie update, just the zombies only). Not sure how to make the lights start switched on though, sorry. Not sure sorry, I'll check it out and try see why that is. Think he means this - http://i.imgur.com/shBzMkD.jpg :p I haven't finished it yet, it'll be in the next update. Awesome vid! Cool to see the zombies in action! :) I've seen this too but I only see it when my frame rate is low or below average, otherwise they move fine. I'm not sure why but I'll mess around with it.
  10. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I've updated the first post. What's new since version 1.5 BETA: - New attack animation. - New module to change both zombies and demons max health. Difficulty game logics no longer affect max health. - Major multiplayer bugs fixed, such as horde spawner limits, zombies spawning naked, etc. - General script improvements and errors fixed which may improve performance. DOWNLOAD VERSION 1.7
  11. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I'm gonna release another update probably today or tomorrow. This is what will be new: - Compatible with unlocked_uniforms. - Less zombies in shorts and thongs - more in pants, hoodies, etc. Instead of uniforms I'm using models from characters_f.pbo and they look way better. - Fixed all the MP issues - spawner limits work properly, zombies don't spawn naked now and the animations work for everyone. - New attack animation. - Fixed the demon waypoint game logic and general script improvements. edit: - Also removed the random headgear cause I doubt zombies hats would stay on for long. Some still wear glasses, but as we make new zombie skins and identities we'll remove the glasses.
  12. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yeah, no worries. Will get onto it. We might make our own uniforms in future too, ripped clothes and stuff. Zombies go after their nearest target, so as a helicopter flies over them they start going for that. You could use "this setcaptive true" on the air support for now to stop that, not sure if there's another way to fix it but I'll look into it. Just use "deletevehicle logic" to remove old spawners, and something like "_spawn = "Ryanzombieslogicspawnmedium1" createvehiclelocal (position player)" to make new ones. And yeah, just use "ryanzombiesjump = 1" at any time, that'll enable it. Same with car throwing "Ryanzombiescanthrow", although that also needs a max distance set with "Ryanzombiescanthrowdistance = 99999"
  13. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    No idea sorry! None of that happens for me or my friends. Maybe another mod conflicting? Not sure sorry. Just place it wherever, just one of them, and the zombies will run to it IF they're not busy running after any targets. I also used a few little scripts for the video to make them do what I want. :p ---------- Post added at 12:28 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ---------- Check out this gameplay vid. So many near misses with the cars being thrown at me. :D
  14. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Weird how the max alive at once keeps getting bigger for you though. In single player it works perfect for me. It's just in MP when one dies it spawns another for every player, but that's easily fixed. When I get home tonight I'll check the script and probably redo it completely and more efficiently.
  15. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yeah, good idea. Sorry I hadn't tested this in MP so didn't realise. I'll fix later today or tomorrow with isserver command.
  16. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Editted the first post. DOWNLOAD VERSION 1.5 BETA
  17. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Will upload it probably in a few hours. Just gotta sort out some files and stuff and get it ready. :)
  18. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Okay, I'll probably release a beta maybe today or soonish with all the new changes.
  19. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I agree, fast and easy to drop are my favourite too! All the extra silly features, like tank throwing, jumping, etc, are all off by default. They're only enabled when you place the game logic. Nah it hasn't yet sorry. We've started our first zombie skin, a sprint animation, and we've nearly finished an attack which is looking pretty sweet. This takes a while though so there's still lots to do.
  20. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Yeah, they are. :p I'll add a separate module for the demon spawners.
  21. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    At the moment the alive limit is split across every spawner, might be tricky to set different amounts for different spawners but I'll give it a go. I think to stop the spawners you could just name the logic, and use "deletevehicle logicname"
  22. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hehehe, new spider zombie: http://i.imgur.com/shBzMkD.jpg Still needs lots of work though. While my partner is working on anims and faces I'm improving the scripts a bit. Changed the waypoint game logic to affect all zombies (not just spawned), and it works quicker and more efficiently - they used to walk in a long column before in a group but not anymore. I've added another silly game logic to enable tank throwing. :o Just for funs. Possibly going to add a game logic to enable a leap attack where they jump at you from about 25m or so.
  23. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Just a video with a module being used to change the horde spawners. Spawning is constant, density is over like 20m, and it's paused when there are 30 zombies alive at once. ---------- Post added at 06:58 ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 ---------- Good idea, but probably won't worry about it as it probably would affect frame rate a bit if you're spawning lots.
  24. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Ahahaha, cheers, my partner is a legend cause she made it! It looks a bit more weird when they're crawling out of concrete though. But it's still better than just instantly appearing. :p
  25. ryandombrowsky

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Easier to see now. :) Sounds cool! If it's not too much trouble I'll give it a go.