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Everything posted by ChrisTronn

  1. I have 0 coding experience and have been guessing so far as to what it is I'm doing. I imagine my code is a complete mess but any assistance would be appreciated. Im pulling "Member already defined" errors and cant resolve it lass CfgPatches { class CTronn_Vehicles { units[] = {"CTronn_Tractor_01"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"}; }; }; class DefaultEventhandlers; class CfgVechicles { class CTronn_Tractor; class CTronn_Tractor { class HitPoint // Hitpoint predefined for all cars { class HitLFWheel; class HitLF2Wheel; class HitRFWheel; class HitRF2Wheel; class HitBody; }; class CTronn_Tractor_01_base { model = "CTronn_Tractor\TracV2.p3d"; //Path to model picture = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\palceholder_co.paa"; icon = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\placeholder_co.paa"; //map icon displayName = "Tractor DShK"; //Editor name hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1"}; //Different colours terrainCoef =4.5; turnCoef =2.5; precision =10; brakeDistance = 3.0; acceleration =10; fireResistance =5; armor =45; cost =50000; transportMaxBackpacks =2; transportSoldier =1; wheelDamageRadiusCoef =0.9; wheelDestroyRadiusCoef =0.4; maxFordingDepth =0.7; waterResistance =1; crewCrashProtection =0.25; driverLeftHandAnimName ="drivewheel"; driverRightHandAnimName ="drivewheel"; }; class Turrets{}; class HitPoints { class HitLFWheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;}; class HitLF2Wheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;}; class HitRFWheel {armor=0.125, passThrough=0;}; class HitRF2Wheel{armor=0.125, passThrough=0;}; class HitFuel {armor=0.50, material=1, name="fueltank", visual="", passThrough=0.2;}; class HitEngine {armor=0.50, material=1, name="engine", visual"", passThrough=0.2;}; class HitBody {name="body"; visual="camo1";passThrough=1;}; driverAction =driver_tractor; cargoActon[] ={passenger_low01, passenger_generic01_leanleft, passenger_generic01_foldhands}; getInAction =GetInHigh; getOutAction =GetOutHigh; #include "sounds.hpp" #include "physX.hpp" }; class CTronn_Tractor_01 { scope =2; crew ="c_man_1"; side =3; faction = CIV_F; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Weapons_F\DATA\placeholder_co.paa"}; }; }; };
  2. ChrisTronn

    Vehicle Config

    That seems to have fixed my config.cpp issue. I now need to fix my model.cfg.. Just never ending, thankyou @xjoker_
  3. ChrisTronn

    Vehicle Config

    UPDATE: I got myself past the error by relocating the entire set of files into a new folder and changing the root paths.
  4. ChrisTronn

    Vehicle Config

    It looks line its going into a second file on the navigation. CTronn_Tractor\ctronn_tractor\config.cpp No lowercase version of the file exsists so Idk where its pulling it from.
  5. ChrisTronn

    Vehicle Config

    I know thats why I'm confused. Its definitely the new config you provided. My only other though is that its the model.cfg . That wouldnt explain why its calling Config.cpp however, its also odd the debugger is saying line 95 when the code ends at 93.
  6. ChrisTronn

    Vehicle Config

    It still seems to be showing me this. https://gyazo.com/1865d70f0e49c5ee8f2371f5a484c74d
  7. I failed to group together the OBJ and the rear end of my model was the incorrect LOD. Grouped using CTRL + J and reassigned the LOD to custom.
  8. So as the title says I have my Obj in blender with its lod for memory, custom, land, PhysX etc. but when I export it as a P3D and load it into OBJ Builder I have a layer missing, every layer out of place and orientated in correctly any ideas?
  9. The rotation Issue and placement is resolved but the actual model it's self isn't showing. LOD is set to custom, as it should be I believe but OBJ builder refuses to show,
  10. Thanks solved most of the issues I had, something so simple.
  11. ChrisTronn

    Cant Export From O2

    Nevermind I got it
  12. ChrisTronn

    Cant Export From O2

    I essentially only have an option to export as "P3D Old Version" I'm not sure if this would work or not any ideas?