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Everything posted by n4sh

  1. Thank you for the release Silola! ;)
  2. hi, You should take look at this topic. It solved the problem for me. Hope this will help you.
  3. you can use Mikero's tools : arma3p. It wil install your P: drive automaticaly, instead of you extracting every single .pbo manualy. It will make you a lot of time and avoid errors. Mikero's tools : https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files?sort=created_on%3Adesc%2Cfilename Note that you will need some other programs and dll to run the arma3p.
  4. Terrain builder : Pitch : 90; Roll : 179.972; Yaw : 71.891; MapBuilder/ExportFile : Pitch : 90; Roll : 0; Yaw : 251.891; In terrain builder to have the correct (not totally accurate, kinda hard to perfectly align anything with buldozer) orientation, pitch must be something like 340.495; Roll : 91.602; Yaw 88.675
  5. Hi. This is much better ! ;) With v0.73RC : Sidewalks are align but not all of them follow the terrain elevation ([CTRL+T] + some height adjustment) once exported. Also objects with a modified pitch do not export correctly = if i change the pitch via the object inspector and set it to 90; it does export in TB with a pitch of 90 (as expected) but the result in terrain builder isn't right (see screens below) Somehow the rotation point do not seems to be the same in TB and A3 (however im not in expert, could be something totaly different) Screens : MapBuilder : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKS2Z2RU1qUVktaGc/view?usp=sharing TerrainBuilder : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKd0VUX1FWZERPVUk/view?usp=sharing Project File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKSlBCakNKUmc1TGc/view?usp=sharing Export File : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKSlBCakNKUmc1TGc/view?usp=sharing Hope this will help. Thank you.
  6. Hi. Sorry but i still have the same probleme with the new version. Objects are still "misplaced". Also, i liked the keys to change the height, Ctrl+LMB worked fine for me. Is there a way that i set it back ? Here are screenshots from a v0.72 project loaded and saved with the v0.73. MapBuilder : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKMEtBOGFnb3Zra0U/view?usp=sharing Terrain Builder : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKLXgzQVVaUVc2cUk/view?usp=sharing Here are screens from v0.73 only : MapBuilder : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKRWpMQ2gxako4NFk/view?usp=sharing Terrain Builder : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKLUdyQ1lNUkVudDA/view?usp=sharing The Project files and exports Txt : Project : v0.72 to v0.73 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKcU4zRHlLNmx0X1U/view?usp=sharing Export : v0.72 to v0.73 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKenk1WThacnVYUnc/view?usp=sharing Project : v0.73 only : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKUnJTZXl5bUxna0E/view?usp=sharing Export : v0.73 only :https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKV0FMckxjY0ZoRjQ/view?usp=sharing Also, i liked the keys to change the height, Ctrl+LMB worked fine for me. Is there a way that i set it back ? I find also difficult to control the pitch and roll change with Ctrl+RMB, i'd like to change the pitch and the roll separatly. Anyway thanks a lot for the tool, made in a day what took a week or so with buldozer ;)
  7. Ok :) Thanks a lot for the quick answer ;)
  8. here is the .mbp https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKbGJnWlN0NUwzLTQ/view?usp=sharing The exported .txt https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKbUtoeHBDMExIRVk/view?usp=sharing
  9. Hi ! First of all, thank you for this great tool ;) I have a little problem when i import objects from the mapBuilder to TerrainBuilder. Objects are "misplaced". Here are two screenshots, One in the mapBuilder, the other in TerrainBuilder, using the "TBExport" from mapbuilder. //MAPBUILDER// https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKWHlZcVNGNE9PaHc/view?usp=sharing //TERRAIN BUILDER// https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-fr0rkPVKmKT29xR0Z3WDljR3c/view?usp=sharing Thank you.