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About john_the_late

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  1. Thanks, I'll try that. :) Thanks as well! So many sources. :D Also, yeah, it's quite a few. I'm certain half of them weren't even used in the mission (like what the hell is loboterror?). But I don't really know which.
  2. Hello everyone, I am trying to open an old mission of mine that I was working on a long time ago, but sadly I do not remember most of the mods I was using when creating it. However, when I open the mission.sqm file, I find this list (see below). What I'm asking now, does anyone of you knowledgeable people here know the mods by their addon tags? I haven't modded OFP in years and as such hardly remember more than that I was using Tonal island and some JAM stuff... :/ addOns[]= { "jam_magazines", "BAS_OPFOR", "bas_weap", "bis_weaponpack", "c8x_usmc", "tactevents", "bas_deraJ", "afganobj", "bas_o", "EditorUpdate175Noe", "EditorUpdate102", "FML_Base", "DMA_Libya_ObjectsPack", "CATIntro", "loboterror", "JJR_Rebels", "fml_civilians", "ofpdafghanpack", "bis_resistance", "BRDM", "agmDPV", "BAS_Jkawa", "bas_kawa" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "BAS_OPFOR", "bas_deraJ", "loboterror", "JJR_Rebels", "fml_civilians", "ofpdafghanpack", "afganobj", "bas_o", "EditorUpdate175Noe", "EditorUpdate102", "DMA_Libya_ObjectsPack", "CATIntro", "FML_Base", "BRDM", "bis_resistance", "agmDPV", "BAS_Jkawa", "bas_kawa" };
  3. Thanks! Yeah, I'm a complete dumbass. :D For some reason, I managed to miss the fact that the entire definition is a string already. It's quite embarrassing since I'm not even new to programming...
  4. Hi, I am trying to get a "helmet camera to monitor" script to work. My script works when I hardcode the render surface values, but when I tried to make the script dynamic (so that it can be called with parameters instead of having to make a lot of copy scripts) I ran into an issue with the render surface. It expects a name, but doesn't want it in the String format. Later on, it is used as a String, and that is not a problem. Here is the code I used for my script file (based on this): params ["_monitor", "_target"]; _pipcam = format ["pipsc_%1", _target]; hint _pipcam; /* create render surface */ _monitor setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(_pipcam,1)"]; // this line gives the error /* create camera and stream to render surface */ _cam = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; _cam cameraEffect ["Terminate", "Back", _pipcam]; // to reset cam _cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", _pipcam]; /* attach cam to head */ _cam attachTo [_target, [0,0,0.18], "head"]; _cam camSetFov 0.4; /* adjust cam orientation */ addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _dir = (_target selectionPosition "head") vectorFromTo (_target selectionPosition "head" vectorAdd (getCameraViewDirection _target)); _cam setVectorDirAndUp [ _dir, _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0] ]; }];
  5. Hey all I'm facing a problem in a mission I'm making: Earlier in the mission, the player (who is not in command) and 2 other soldiers are supposed to escape in a car, with the player assigned as driver. They return to an allied military camp and get new orders there. Then 3 new soldiers join the group. Those 6 are then supposed to board 2 jeeps in a different group (which are driven by the 2 drivers in the other group) to get transported to a new place. Here the problem arises: The "old squad" that used the first car refuses to board the new Jeep unless I set the waypoint onto one of the jeeps instead of linking it with one of the jeep group, in which case the 3 new soldiers wouldn't board anything. The old squad always boards the old car again, and if it is removed by a command earlier, then they just don't board anything. Does anyone know what to do? Regards!
  6. john_the_late

    Multiplayer in 2015

    Thanks for the answers and the many links! I downloaded OFP Monitor and saw quite a lot of rooms, but few of them with players. Couldn't play any games because I didn't have the mods yet (and the TuPaS download keeps crashing every few MB :( ), but I'll get going soon. Took a look at MFCTI, and it seems pretty overwhelming at first, especially if playing as commander. Are there any strategy/tactic articles on CTI? Edit: God the addons now. But... which CTI is the XRCTI? I only see CRCTIs (and a lot of them!) on the servers on OFP Monitor. Which is the "best" or commonly played CTI? Would like to play it in SP to get a grasp on it, because I quite like the concept.
  7. john_the_late

    Multiplayer in 2015

    Hey, Yeah it is about OFP / ArmA:CWA.
  8. john_the_late

    Multiplayer in 2015

    Hey all, I recently played a few games with a friend and it was quite some fun. Seeing as we're only 2 people, our choice in missions is quite limited. So now I'm wondering, how is the multiplayer nowadays? Are there still many regular players? Where are the games hosted/played? I really like this game, one of my top favourites, and I actually prefer it over the ArmA successors. Would love to play some online matches, might become a regular. :P And also... are there any good MP maps for 2 players? For the case of there being now other people left playing online.
  9. Thanks! I will test that as soon as I am home again. :)
  10. Hello everyone, I only recently discovered the awesome addons that people made for Operation Flashpoint / ArmA: CWA. After adding many of them, however, I find the editor search list of "classes" or "folders" (like "Men", "Armored") to be very messy thanks to most modders using custom folders. Is there a way to open and modify pbo files in order to move units according to my needs? For example, I have a Huey that is alone in its folder, and I would like to move it into the standard "Air" folder. Thanks in advance! :)