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Everything posted by Callsign-Remorse

  1. Thats the spirit!! Now, I think we should back to talking about the mod itself before we get marked for spam.
  2. Scorch_052: So... what happens now? Will there be two diffirent halo mods now? What wil the other one be about? Eill have the same theme? I really shouldnt be asking, but since spavenavy has the rebel thing, what will you guys do? (Of course, I will forever keep an eye on this mod. You still have my support, Space!) Icarus86: no need to be rude.
  3. Well... just to mention something, why is all this happenong in public I mean, if you are going to have an arguement, or sombody pulls something, why dont you pm it to each other? Its as if you want us to speculate on whos the blame, and why. I mean, just do it somewhere else, not here. We dont need no trouble 'round these parts. Please, take it somewhere else.
  4. I trust you.....but break my heart, and I cut off your dick.( jk) (Shouldnt it be everyone, not anyone?)
  5. I mean seriously. What the fuck. Srzly. Why the hate. On a different note, could this all be a massive april fools joke? I mean, the update number is 13, which I beleive is not a coincidence.( cant spell.)
  6. Extremely sad dayz. No need for any of this.
  7. WHY!!! What did Spacenavy do that was so bad!! YOU ARE DESTROYING THIS AMAZING MOD OVER NOTHING!!!!!! This is it then. The downfall of the Eridanus Insurrection. You people are most likely overreacting. Please dog88, think about it. Think about the community that has already been built around this mod.plz:(. Of course, who am I too judge. Damn. I am now officially pissed.
  8. Oh? I hope you guys resolved things peacefully. But it is none of my bees wax. Sooo, what things have to be sacraficed? Does it have something to do with the mod itself?
  9. Probably. They had moving thrusters for the pelican, so I would assume that they would have the same for the falcon.
  10. Fixed as in you dont pass out after one shot to the leg; since you do have futuristic space armor, I would it would have advanced over the course of 500 years.
  11. So, did the odst armor values get fixed?
  12. Since I read some were that the ODST's were the elite in this game, So I created a quick firefight; 6 ODST's against 12 Insurrectionist. The result, All of the insurrectionist died with only two of the ODST dead. o.O? This doesn't make much sense to me. Are the ODST OP or something?
  13. Oh, okay. Thanks a lot. I guess I'll change tctics amd make it a pelican insertion. Again, thanx a lot.
  14. Can the HEVs go through buildings? And can they be shot down by enemy AA? I I making a mission, and involves smashing through building... and enemy AA shooting down friendly HEVs.Thanks for making this mod, I absolutely LOVE it.