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10 Good

About Krippakrull

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  1. A pity you didn't make top 3, though your mod is still awesome, unique, and probably the best dynamic war mission I played in any iteration of Arma and OFP. Hope you can still find energy and joy in modding soon!
  2. Thanks for more updates SaOk! Not being able to remove waypoints set for friendly platoons have been bugging me for a while, wonderful to see it fixed. I am trying the mission out on good old Chernarus at the moment and having a blast. Although I have had some things spawning outside the actual map on the flat unedited plain in the west of Chernarus. An enemy platoon or two as well as friendlies retreating there. Not a huge deal but a little annoying. Also, the tire repair villager mission seems a little buggy. Sometimes it has just completed automatically without me having to repair any tires, other times I have had to "steal" the car before my engineer would be able to repair it. The villager's cat deserves this mission to be fixed. ;)
  3. Thanks for working on this SaOk! Tried your new build for a few hours last night. I was using stable version of A3 instead of dev build so keep that in mind. I used it on an old save (restart -> load save) and I did notice some performance stuttering during the first 10 mins or so, though it stopped stuttering after that. One thing I noticed though was that transport choppers (using RHS) were priced at 0 prestige and I couldn't buy them at a controlled air field. Probably gonna try a new game on Bornholm later today.
  4. Just wanting to say that this map looks absolutely beautiful, great work Aus.
  5. Heya, thanks for a wonderful mission that's a lot of fun! Have some minor issues though. 1. Am I right in thinking there currently aren't any support for ammo/weapon supply drops with stuff from mods like RHS: Escalation? If not in the mod, how hard is it to mod your mission by myself to at least add some ammo drops for my RHS weapons? It's kind of annoying having to call in a Humvee to just get a few M4 mags. :D 2. When I make HC groups from my squad members they tend to disappear, is this working as intended? I guess it might be the routines you have in place to keep FPS manageable by purging stuff? Anything I can do to not make my own HC groups just disappear? Running 1.40 stable.