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Everything posted by erictviking

  1. erictviking

    Unable to start TAC-OPS DLC Campaigns

    Same here. When I select the No Reprieve, Fait Accompli or LZ Nowhere campaigns, the only button I get at the bottom is Continue. This continues the original campaign ("Situation normal"). If I double click on No Reprieve, Fait Accompli or LZ Nowhere it also continues the original campaign ("Situation normal"). I verified game files in Steam and have reverted my original campaign back to the start. Can't play Tac-ops at present.
  2. erictviking

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    That's awesome pomigit - works like a charm I spent most of today trying to play this mission, the decision to not allow saves is extremely lame in a big mission as open as this one. I managed to save the FIA guys in the marsh without saves, even got to the heliport and got us away in a Wildcat. But had no idea what to do after that and died. Glad I've got the save mod mate, now I can go back and play the mission in loads of different ways without having to start from scratch every time!