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About gibster

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  1. I've just imported my mission from one map to another and essentially did this by copy pasting all the map objects and icons onto the other maps. Initially I was having an issue with there being no roles, meaning that the units weren't set to playable which I fixed. Now when I join the map there is no slot that doesn't spawn a seagull. I'm assuming this has something to do with my mission.sqm however I've been at it for about 5 hours now and can't seem to figure it out. I can provide any information you require, these two lines may be useful: Client RPT: 2:43:23 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_preload_server 2:43:26 creating seagull (no person) Server RPT: No speaker given for Militiadis Savalas Creation of object C Alpha 4-2 failed, state MISSION ASKED Creation of object C Alpha 4-2:1 failed, state MISSION ASKED Creation of object C Alpha 4-2:1 (civ_1) failed, state MISSION ASKED Ref to nonnetwork object civ_1 Ref to nonnetwork object C Alpha 4-2:1 (civ_1) Bunch of other output that isnt helpful Creation of object Statistics for MYPLAYERNAME failed, state MISSION ASKED
  2. gibster

    super accurate ai after 1.4

    I'm having the same problem with the AI on my server can't figure out for the life of me.