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Everything posted by Mambo123

  1. So I've been playing a bit of wasteland and I'm wondering if im playing by myself is there any reason not to play Op For and Blue for? When I try to play independent it's stupid, I start with a pistol, but everyone else I run into seems to be fully geared with machine guns. Also when I try to go to the gun store to get rid of my stupid pistol I'm ambushed by 5 guys every time and can't make it out of there. Now, when I switch to op for or blue for, they start in control of a gun store so I can get a Cyrus or a Navid straight away. It takes a bit longer to get into the action but why in the world would I play independent and try to take on 5 geared guys with my pistol in order to get a better gun when I can just go op for and buy a cryus straight away? Am I missing something?
  2. This is ridiculous. So many games are 10 vs 10 vs 40. OpFor wins 90% of games with a numerical advantage. Green wins occasionally when a good group of players counter stack. The fact that the winning team gets a 10-15k bonus and the losing team, even if they run the winning team close at 100-90 gets 500g is just plain stupid. Give some incentive to play on the non Op for teams.
  3. I find myself sniping a lot so the handgun is useful for me. I've heard people say "Use the .45 but there are 5-6 kinds of .45 handguns. Which ones are the best to use? Are the revolvers the best or the regular kind? Also I googled this but no one seems to talk about it.
  4. Mambo123

    Best Handgun - King of the Hill?

    Ok so my main question now is, what's the difference between the 4 five .45 11 Rnd Mag regular version and MRO version? Also the Zubr regular version and Yorris J2 version? The MRO and Yorris are not in the Arsenal.
  5. Mambo123

    Best Handgun - King of the Hill?

    I see the... 4-5 .45 4x .45 ACP 11Rnd Mag ACP-C2 .45 5 x .45 ACP 9Rnd Mag Zubr .45 4-5 .45 MRO 4x .45 ACP 11Rnd mag ACP-C2 .45 Sound Supressor 4-5 .45 Sound Supressor Zubr .45 Yorris J2 Even the 4 five .45 there's the MRO version as well? Does the suppressor take any damage off?
  6. Mambo123

    A prone lean is needed

    Sorry to bump an old thread but I just created an account and don't have an option to create a new thread so my hands are tied. Anyways, yesterday my stance modifier key all of a sudden stopped working (cntl + wasd) Now it just moves me fowards and backwards. Someone was saying that my profile config might be missing an input 29 on the cntl button. It seemed to happen when I created a new profile for multiplayer. I can't even find this profile.cfg or whatever it is. Can someone help me out please?